Expressive E Osmose

thanks @SteveElbows & @thetechnobear, I’ll give those emails a try.

I tried multiple different email address, different browsers, made sure I had no adblock or anything running that could be interfering with the form etc etc. I assumed they would be busy, but it’d be nice just to get some confirmation I’m in the system somewhere.

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Out of curiosity, are you having an issue with the osmose?

After emailing the support@ address someone got back to me. It seems my tickets had been logged but confirmation emails just hadn’t gone out :man_shrugging:t4:

@Lieder yes, I’m having two issues 1) there seems to be an issue with a couple of keys feeling loose and making a lot of noise when moving laterally and 2) I’m getting what sounds like distortion and/or bitcrushing intermittently when playing. Sometimes immediately on changing patch, sometimes after a few minutes, sometimes once in a few hours of playing, sometimes several times a minute.

Yesterday I tried to use the Osmose with the OB-6 (upgrading OB-6 firmware was tedious btw).
I can’t get long notes / pads, a pity… :sob:
Anyone tried this couple of beasts hooked together?

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Thanks for sharing. I haven’t done a lot of digging but you are the first person I’ve seen with an issue. Hopefully it’s just a one off and they get you sorted out really quick.
I’d love to hear the progress and your opinions with their overall support if you are willing to share.

I tried weeks ago, it worked fine for me, but I didnt try it for very long and have been busy with other combinations since then.

If you are having a problem, I didnt understand your description of it.

Read : I can’t get long notes.

I need to check, but I guess it was working alright. In my case, I was using Osmose USB —> Ableton —> OB-66.
(but one thing bothers me a lot with the OB-6 and MPE : the Pan Spread. Every note retains its position the stereo field, it’s not random at all, but apparently it sticks to the voice number. It’s horrible, unusable)

Oh? Weird.
Have you reached DSI support?

I imagine a lot of stuff with “mpe support”really only has haphazard mpe support and things like this are going to be turning up quite a bit now that a nice semi affordable mpe controller is gaining some popularity.

Maybe you could be a bit more specific about your settings on the Osmose to help other people reproduce what you observe with the OB6?

… and I am on the wait list with SW for one of these puppies… let the waiting begin!


MPE Support also doesn’t necessarily mean existing patches would work in a way that would be useful/expressive for an MPE controller.


Have you tried configuring the patch for MPE control via the Haken Editor?

Unless I got the above use case mixed up, if you wanted to use the OB6 to control Osmose’s internal synth engine, that’s when you’d maybe need the HE but not for the reverse case. Over at the GS forum, here is what @SteveElbows wrote:

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So true.

This is true even for synths like the Hydrasynth. Despite its convenient remapping from polyAT to MPE-Z when in MPE mode, you still may have to tweak the latter and also set up MPE-Y (a good starting point is whatever is set on the mwheel) in the mod matrix to make it play nicely with your specific MPE controller. Not a lot of work for a single patch but it does add up if you want this for every patch.

So I guess that means you have not looked to see what the Haken Editor can do to configure a patch for MPE control?

what do you suggest?

On the left side, select C3 to go to the Control 3 page, then check the settings under Midi I/O to make sure the X Bend Range makes sense (I suggest 48), Y = MPE, Z = MPE, and Note Processing = Dynamic Velocity.

You can also glance at Polyphony in the center of the Control 1 page to verify the setting is sensible.

Actually I haven’t found many settings on the Osmose. I’ve just switched to MIDI controller mode/MPE, in which case I had to turn the volume down cause the Osmose default patch was still playing, awkwardly.
I haven’t seen anything about configuring the gate signal. Haven’t launched the Haken Editor yet.