Expressive E Osmose

We should start a Preorder Waiter’s emotional support group. :wink:


Ahh…, I know, that 40% discount, it’s really making me question my stance.
I haven’t tried any of these new mpe boards but this one seems to blow the roli out of the water. Especially because of the 5pin MIDI/direct connection to all my synths.
I’m still on the fence to be honest

Mistakes like that on actual devices magically become ‘limited editions’ when people try to sell it on.
People are foolish enough to believe it.

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That’s how I’m looking at it. Just so happens that the internal synth engine is going to be lush :slight_smile:

I’m on the “Waiting-to-be-paid-so-I-can-preorder-this-keyboard” support group. It’s pretty lonely out there ! :laughing:


@Jukka is this with internal sounds or is it “just” a controller?

Internal sounds : ie. Eagan Matrix. Presets tailored for Osmose.

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Looks like they are low on the pre order stock so if but still on the fence then you better get a move on!

For whose who want to see a demo of Osmose as a MIDI controller.

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They just put it up on Facebook that due to demand they had limited early bird pre orders left. Could well be a marketing ploy but thought I’d share anyway for those thinking seriously about it!

“only a few hours left” apparently

Yeah had watched that one a few times when I was swithering about putting my name down. For me, I’d really need to change DAW or be prepared for frustration. I’m too happy with Push + Live so I think that’s pretty much made my mind up.

From experience with other MPE controllers, once you get things set up to your liking, Osmose will bring loads of life to soft/hard synths. Will take you in all sorts of new directions. I’m just too lazy to set it up!

I would love to see a demo with the Digitone as synth engine! (as the DN has a lot of modulation options)
Did you have the opportunity to try that @cuckoomusic ? :slight_smile:


I use my Korg Monologue as MIDI controller more often than anything else. My Qunexus is more capably - in theory - but I get more predictable results out of the Monologue. I don’t have anything like a Push and I only use Live as a dumb multlitrack audio recorder.

I don’t have much expectation of Osmose as a MIDI controller other than the aforementioned extras over the simple velocity-only keys of the Monologue. Will probably use it with its own EaganMatrix more than the MIDI side.

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I am so incredibly weak. 1 hour ago “I’ve pretty much made my mind up” to not pre order one. 1 minute ago “ah fuck it” and I’ve pre-ordered one.

The no risk on the deposit was what did me in the end! Now to decide what stuff I should shift on to make some room…


I think I’m about to hop into that same boat…

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Yup…just did it


I didn’t know this was an actual synth, I initially thought it was just a midi controller.

I gotta checkout that preorder discount, but I’m probably going to pre-order this thing as well


I was the same way. I kept reminding myself:

  • this is an early prototype
  • they haven’t finished the design
  • i don’t need it, i’ve already got a hydrasynth keys on order
  • this is crazy i’m not that good of a player
  • sure it’s a large discount, but is that a discount off the final price, or a suggested price
  • they say summer 2020 which means hopefully September 2020.
  • the eaganmatrix sounds great, but is that me?
  • they say the price is until Dec 31, i can wait 'til then
  • i can cancel and get my money back, but will i, and why give myself all that bother?
  • don’t order unless you’re really serious
  • i’m really lukewarm on this (trying to talk myself out of it, 'cuz i’m not lukewarm.)
  • the web-site is incredibly slow, and it kicks me out when i try to pay

But i pre-order first day anyways. Also decided i’m in for the long haul no matter what. Worst case i get it, hate it, and sell it. (Actually worst case is they take my $300 and disappear, but that isn’t going to happen.) I can deal with the MPE – the Hydrasynth keys is poly-aftertouch so between the two it’ll cover just about everything as a controller. What did me in was like you – I am so incredibly weak.

GovernorSilver – you should start that " Preorder Waiter’s Emotional Support Group." thread.

And i have no idea how i’ll use it exactly, seems like this thng can go many different directions. The more i learned about the EaganMatrix convinced me that this is at least half the reason for me to own this.


All thoughts that went through my mind.

Having owned a Rise 25, I always said I would have loved to have “upgraded” to a 49 key version. This fits the bill and delivers a fantastic sounding synth engine. One that actually sounds on a par with Equator in many ways.

I’ll likely shy away from the fancy MPE midi side of things but could this finally be the instrument that gets me to finally record and commit audio within a DAW? Ive never really recorded audio into a DAW for use in a track in a big way before. Almost entirely midi only over the years. Be nice to break away from that safety net and to bring some spontaneity.


This is not just a controller ! The „presets“ will be very similar to the Haken Continuum Fingerboard. The Loopop and Cuckoo videos give a good idea. Note that the „presets“ are really giving you different instruments. These are pretty unique.

I am surprised that they describe as a keyboard, giving the impression of a controller. Watching videos of Lippold Haken and Edmund Eagen, explaining the story behind their product is very impressive. Decades of effort and passion went into these machines.