Favourite Gear for Cafe?

Yeah, you do have to pick your cafe if you want to stay long enough to use computer / surf youtube / make music.

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:point_up: This!

I struggle to even use a laptop in cafés or public spaces.

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this obscure burn will go down in the history of most obscure burns of all time and deserves an engraved plaque that is dedicated to “anonymous internet hero”


I have no problem using a laptop in public places, people seem to accept those (depending on cafe of course).

I don’t go to the type of cafes where people do stuff like, the one I’ve gone to for the last 25+ years is strictly belly buster breakfasts, builders and bad boys. A proper cafe


accept them right out of the backseat of your car.

oh lord I just realized I’m turning into fin…

I need coffee and a vitamin, stat.


I sort of envy those that can comfortably get productive stuff done on laptops in public places. I find it way too overstimulating and much prefer to use external keyboard, mouse and displays which are not very portable. I have made exceptions when working in muddy fields at music festivals. Alcohol usually helped in those situations.

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I can totally relate to this. Not only in cafés… For years now I’ve wanted to walk down a busy beach boardwalk, recording snippets of passing conversation, but even with the anonymity and lack of context, it feels wrong to record strangers without their permission – I’ve never done it.

(This is totally off topic. Sorry)

I’d listen back later and be bothered by pocket noise. would ruin the experience. damn these ears of mine

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Right, I would want to use a real mic.

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Sounds like a genre I could get on board with.


If I end up traveling more, the M8 will be a good buddy. M:C is my current fave, I also still enjoy the Rytm but even the mk1 can be quite large and visually noisy on a plane

Thankfully my seatmates have been kind and at least curious/interested. Last time I was jamming a kind older couple coming back from Korea chatted and said they should’ve asked to try it out when we landed and were loading out :stuck_out_tongue:


Ricoh GR or Nanoloop.

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Prophet 5, MPC60, and an RE-201 Space Echo. Any more than that and you lose the portability aspect.


Moleskine paper is getting pretty unreliable with fountain pen ink in my biased small sample. I switched to Rhodia paper/notebook, less charm but that paper can take some ink.


I was in a coffee shop last weekend and was reading the latest issue of Sound on Sound (Nice review of that polyend play thing). I’ve taken my OP1 in the past but I mostly like reading a book.

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i saw a guy sitting at starbucks with headphones playing vinyl on his portable record player, that time i thought “no, you can’t get more hipster than that”.
I guess starting a dawless jam on a cafeteria table while sipping a cappuccino could be even more extreme


might end up like that poor guy debating over how to clean caramel frappaccino out of his rytm mk2.