Favourite Gear for Cafe?

I got one, but the clicky keys draw to much attention when composing stuff.

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An hour plus. Maybe read some manuals I’ve long escaped or doodle on some IPad music app using earpiece. Less of “stares”. If that isn’t really a concern, play on something as small as the SmplTrk or rumoured upcoming Akai MPC mini?

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Normally I just take my 7u 104hp case

I find patching therapeutic while sipping my oatmilk latte


I made a couple nice beats with my Cycles in a diner in Colorado.

op-z in the rucksack most days but I don’t go to cafes much. Super quick workflow and fun for performance.

vvvveeerrrrrryyy interested to see if this is true.


Unironically, my double-walled stainless steel espresso cup.




this a good way to attract bandits to rob you


I don’t play music in cafes so much. I find it very relaxing to transcribe songs. Every once in a while if it’s a nice day and not too busy I’ll bring my headless guitar with headphones and pick apart a song. I get self conscious if there are too many people and wander off to a park and sit under a tree instead.

But most of the time I’ll put on headphones and pick away on a keyboard app on my phone as I’m dissecting a song. Typically a piano or synth patch on FL Studio while slowing down/repitching a file on AnyTune.

That hotdog is past it’s best :wink:


Just to keep persuading myself that M:C/M:S in a cafe is not totally bonkers …

The polyend tracker. I always choose one gear that i always take out with me to only play outside which i dont put it on the main system back home. İt has been the tracker for a long time.

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Some, when they reach a certain age if they were born before a certain time and spent the last 20 years or so getting knickers in a bunches and feeling some grimace in the bowels upon seeing people doing things like synth-ing in a cafe, reach a conclusion that life is too short to waste on passing such banal judgments and find the freedom to do what they want, and where; in a considerate fashion ideally.

Off to Starbucks I go with my Digitakt!




Come on in, the water’s actually pretty shit.


The only way to do this without looking silly, is with a laptop, only a laptop. Remember seeing this guy with a goddamn 88 key akai keyboard, several times in a coffee shop. I think he wanted to be noticed and revered for his brave choice, we all despised him.


I saw a dude having a beer in a six back shop playing a volca samples. He was having way more fun then me.


Somehow I’m more productive there. My wife is chilling and reading a book or working on her laptop, while I am trying to wrestle the OP-Z into screechy industrial (the result still sounds chill 90% of the time unfortunately).

It’s the perfect cafe machine. Doesn’t take much space and gives me so much joy.


An alarming amount of comments mention being robbed. As someone who grew up in a fucked up country, I have some valuable advice for you guys: move to a safer place. I’m able to walk the city streets at night now, and it feels so good.


What I do in a cafe sort of depends. Because I’ve heard cafe used in reference to a coffee shop and heard it used in reference to a small restaurant. In the case of the former I order my coffee and get the fuck out. In the case of the latter I eat my food and get the fuck out. But really I don’t do either of those things since I make coffee and cook food at home. Thereby keeping way more of my money.