Favourite Gear for Cafe?



Razzmatazz is my current cafe/pub/bus/park-bench/back-alley walk around device.

The surplus pockets of winter attire mean it is always with me if I leave the house.

Anti-theft color scheme doesn’t hurt either.

Formerly was Tracker or Typhon depending upon mood.


I would be seething with impotent rage if I saw someone out in public with that thing.


Yea, I don’t have a clue where these people are going to drink their light roast pour over coffee with a threat of jacking.

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Any large city with a fentanyl problem would be my first guess.



I like the extra fat keys. They seem like they’d be perfect for my ham-fisted approach to playing the keyboard.


The more i look at it the more I laugh !

As for the thread I would aggree on M:C/S or even DN/DT, but I aggree on the self-conscious issue, for me it’s OK to pull something like a gear or laptop or whatever, but starting to really feeling it and moving your body as you enjoy your track… I would feel shy if it’s only coffee that I’m drinking.

I was living in Monténégro last year, a small and OK but still poor (comparing to western europe/nothern america) country, where the culture of café is really a part of life, people are just sitting in cafés, talking, smoking, all day like… I felt like the waiters are the only one working there haha, anyway I was all day long at cafés, mostly I was writing, but a couple of time I took my M:C but didn’t really enjoyed it because I wanted to be aware of the vibe around me, for me writing and photography were a medium to document what I was living, music was more of an intimous practice.

But one funny time, a friend of mine who is boss of one of the café in town, he said, seeing the M:C : “hey what’s that ? Come on my friend, plug it on the speakers and share with us !” But it was actually my first time sharing music so it wasn’t that much of a great expérience, and they were always playing cool stuff so I was not legitimate nor ready to perform there.

But just to say that… whatever…
if you don’t mind being watched one tiny second by someone who is more likely to be curious than judgy about it, go ahead and enjoy !

As for the being robbed… well, in France, or whatever big country/city I would have take my MC to the bathroom, in Monténégro… I could leave my gear, my phone, my wallet, my tobacco while I go purchase food and when I’m back the only thing who would have been took is one cigarette


I see Loosy Dave is active in Monténégro too.


Truly we can only bring a laptop or haul out a CS-80!

It really depends on the vibe of the cafe, people bring out plenty of stuff to cafes for telework or design gigs like Wacom tablets.

I mostly stick to beergardens, tbh. Much more spacious outdoors and less obtrusive to anyone’s visual experience, but no less nerdy. At least less despised :wink:

Sorry I don’t have the reference.

But it’s quite funny there, if you allow someone to take a cigarette from you he/she’ll (but it’s more likely men) assume that it’s a lifetime offer haha. On the other hand they are the most generous and sharing people I’ve ever met


Don’t worry, it was a shit joke

I feel exactly the same. I always bring with me my OP-1 whenever o travet for work, but i never end up using it while in transit because of the feeling you just described.

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Is this a riddle?

Shit, maybe I’m too bad at english to understand jokes after all…


Pink Bics are the least likely color to be stolen by someone you let use it.

I’m presuming we’re all using headphones here.

I’ve never encountered anyone making music on a laptop/device using speakers. I think that would be the only deal killer for me (other than that 88 key cafe critter).

Now those folk who watch shows on their phones at full blast or have loud open speaker conversations? They chap my hide.

That is when I pull out my phone, open up Animoog and blast a little loop that I call “Room Clearer”.

Works every time.


Back in my out-all-night lifestyle I certainly nabbed more than a few, though with $, food, drinks, or trade-in-kind, but my interest was never to be a cheapskate or mooch so much as not trusting my ADD-ass with a regular source of nicotine. An acquaintance brought back some kreteks from Indonesia that are easier to ration out, but I tried purchasing and doing casual puffs off a modern vape pen and it ended up being way too easy to incorporate into my waking life.

Everyone on the train/bus who blare shit music from tinny phone speakers, gnhhhh.

Even the stuff I’d like, I’d have to be in the mood for and not when I’m twitchily packed elbow-to-elbow with other humans. I don’t want the added noise forced on me!

Both analog and digital haha! Digital if it’s an impromptu visit, analog if I’m making a special trip to a cafe. The latter almost never happens these days.