Favourite Gear for Cafe?

I think this is the one I was looking at but is nearly $300. Sleek yet understated but might look too expensive for me.

Ever sniff your Mont Blanc? As I recall the resin or whatever they are made from has an oddly plesant smell.

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I reckon this gear might be both café friendly and theft proof:


Is that some sort of katana?

I’m going to assume that was an extraordinarily obscure reference to Saturn’s Children and award you one gold star.


Oh my life…always getting stars for things I didn’t intend and wacks on the nose with rolled up newspapers for things I did.


The closest thing I’ve ever been at making music at a cafe is doing some mixing work on a track at a hotel lobby. So I guess my answer is that I’d bring the computer and my Bluetooth in-ears if I made music at a cafe. I’d feel a bit silly doing it with a groovebox, but that’s just me. :blush:

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I’m one of the people who mentioned being robbed – I do think it’s highly possible. If I walked around my city with a $1400 sampler and were robbed, I’m pretty sure people would say “yep, you were asking for it”. I live in Los Angeles.

I don’t entirely agree with your point though… I prefer to live somewhere with an edge, if there’s enough going on culturally. I live in LA by choice and there’s any kind of musical event every week. When I go out at night, there are definitely streets I don’t walk down. I would rather exercise my street smarts a little bit than live somewhere boring and have the option to bring pro audio gear into a café :laughing:

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I sometimes bring an abacus to cafes. It’s just a nervous habit really, pushing those rings back n forth for hours at a time. I often get hit on by younger people thinking I’m some rich eccentric crunching numbers and such until I bring out my thonga lamb drum and the crowd goes wild. Generally, I have one of the other cafe goers accompany me on the abacus and sometimes the batista even joins in playing the milk frother like a steam engine for a rendition of Casey Jones.


two dudes tried to rob me of my sp-808 on the bridge of the westside pavilion on pico blvd back in the day, it was an hilarious episode in life that I will always remember fondly… they did not get my sp-808 :grin: and shortly after I met some members of kool and the gang who liked my beats and invited me over.


I feel like living in NYC now is sort of cloistered life regarding crime although a lot of it is either happening on the subways these days which I rarely take or at late hours when I am sound asleep but cannot imagine getting jacked at any coffee shop or such during the day. Or, maybe I’m just oblivious… When I read about crime in LA I never know if it’s as bad as it sounds or milked by the media to generate traffic.

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That area isn’t too bad these days. Over by the Apple Pan – maybe I can take a sampler into the Apple Pan. Lol

lol, guess it’s a google building or something rather now days but it was never a bad area… I used to love making beats on the bridge because it was centered right in the middle over Westwood blvd and you could just look out as far as you can see zoning out while making music… I still remember their faces they just couldn’t believe some fool would actually be out there with an big ass sp-808
ohh contrare monfrareeee


microsoft needs this font

this thread is giving me an ulcer

FYI, comments about constant fear of being robbed have little to do with actual crime statistics, far more to do with perception and priority of property, policing, and “crime reporting”.

Fear of larger cities and “urban” areas is more a cultural phenomena.

octatrack mk1 was fun in cafes when i lived down the street from control voltage in portland. laptop is probably the best though, starts to be a hassle with all the cords and people around

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a flamethrower


Usually, when I pop to the local Costa, I like to do so dressed as Rowdy Roddy Piper, then announce myself upon entry with the phrase,

“I came here to do two things, chew bubble gum and play Merzbow at high volumes on my laptop speakers. And I’m all our of milk.”

Works 60% of the time, every time.


I’m not saying you’re wrong but just to put perspective to the subject I’ve never lived in a rural area but I’ve been robbed at gunpoint with a car window broken in while we were sitting in the car, 5 minutes from my home.

I’ve been robbed by a group of individuals looking for a fight because I am not a small individual and they apparently wanted to see how 5 of them would fare against one of me, and when I wouldn’t give in to this game of agitation I was indiscriminately attacked and they took my shit which at the time luckily only amounted to a new skate deck and 5 bucks.

I’ve had 2 cars stolen and 3 burglarized and various losses as a result. My childhood home has been burglarized literally 4 times.

I’ve also had the something disappears when a group of people come over phenomenon. There are more stories of misfortune but I don’t think this post will be productive if I keep poor-me’ing the thread so I’m going to end it with that.

I don’t know maybe I’m old and have had bad luck, but I’m also just recalling it now how one poster in this thread who I saw is from brazil basically said watch out for bandits, and not to stereotype, but I think they mean it as a literal helpful warning.

I know you don’t mean anything by it but when I have concerns about being robbed I literally believe that in a real world sense it can happen. It’s not all of why, but it’s part of why I’m uncomfortable holding luxury items in public.


I agree, although I’ve not had much trouble out in public holding my luxury shotgun.


You rascal…