
I’m healthy and active, take regular vitamins, have always mega dosed at the first sign of a sniff but this year even with the flu vaccine taken at the start off the season I’ve just had it. And it was rough. Whole family came down with it at the same time, not much fun for the dog who just wants to play and go for walks!

Still, as someone said, the rapid weight loss was a positive.

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Does the Flu vax fit the virus this year? I know they always try to predict which kind of flu virus will be at the forefront in winter and based on that they generate the vaccine. Sometimes it fails sometimes it fits. So does anyone know if this years shot actually protects you?

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It’ll protect against the variant it’s designed for. The effectiveness is usually pretty good, there was one a couple of years back that got through but they mostly get it right.

It’s often pretty difficult to judge early on, because it’s not clear at this stage what variants people have without the sort of mass testing we saw for Covid.

Man we’ve been ravaged by this flu this last month… it seems like it’s been sweeping all across the world…

I’m guessing it’s due to Covid slowing down that the flu comes back guns blazing.

I had it the last 10 days, corona test was negative, in general i eat a lot of zinc or vitamin D + exercise, but it didnt suffice this time. I had a flu shot several years sgo, but i felt it made things worse, or i simply get old.

I just came back from pharmacy and there was a lady in front of me, who, it seems, had a fever. She looked sick and bought fever medicine. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I am praying I didn’t catch the bug.

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Brandy. It worked for me during my last bout of ‘something’, I’m convinced it helped me feel better, sooner.

Think of that alcohol running around your bloodstream, alongside the virus - I reckon enough alcohol would kill a virus in a straight fight!

You need it yearly or it won‘t work

Yes, in that year - i got really sick - i recieved my first shot, and dang i was shoot out for about 2month - no i wont take another shot. Normally i recover in 8 to 10 days. I am not per se anti vaxx - anyone can do what they want - but after trying it out -i found its not for me. I am not against modern medicine, it saves a lot of lives, but not every treatment is working the same on all people.

That is why there normally a letter is packed with the medicine - in seldom cases this or that can happen. I had bad luck - so i dont repeat that.

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Vitamin c and zinc!

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This year I had my first ever flu vaccination. We have a 12 week old and everyone was recommending I did. My older son, 4, has been sick for a week now with the flu. Fever every day, terrible cough and now a middle ear infection. Luckily me and the mrs are still healthy (this despite me sharing a bed with the vector for the last week).

Stay the hell out of antibiotics if you have a virus!

Taking antibiotics for no good reasons is one of the reasons antibiotic are less and less effective when you actually need them.


This needs to be said a lot more… one of humanities biggest threats are antibiotic resistance…


Oddly that was my night last night, along with a four year old who wanted to watch cartoons at 3am (no mercy for the man with his head down the toilet)

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Agree with almost all points but, personally, will pass on the meat and anti-vax advice.


I do all that and so does my son (aged 4). And he has the flu. Now what?

Edit: Actually, I missed the anti-vax nonsense. Fortunately, we do get ‘injected with stuff’ and consequently haven’t died of any nasty disease or illness.


Whatever works for you works for you … chap asked how to deal with it.
My answer - prevention is key. But whatever…

Also add to my list - try to minimise stress levels.
Stress has a massive impact on immunity.

I hear children can now receive a nasal spray that is meant to be wonderful.
Enjoy the future


I’m no anti-vaxer but I haven’t had the flu in 15+ years and never get the vaccination. I know a few people over the last couple years who got vaccinated, had a strong reaction to it, still ended up catching some variant. Now that I wrote this I’ll likely catch the flu this year.


And if you recommend anything other than a vaccination you are labelled as anti-vax.
Oh well, each to their own.