
Just had what I believe was RSV, as the last person in my family of four.
Everyone is still coughing.

Peak symptoms: Horrible dry cough, fever, sweating.

This had a slow onset (a day of dry coughing, slight tiredness) and I had no sore throat.
Flu hits me immediately, like a hammer, it doesn’t sneak up on me.

What helped me: I made broccoli soup and pressed tons of garlic into it.

PS. fully vaxed against covid, and even had a flu shot last year – this also indicates that it was RSV.

PPS. It’s a triple pandemic. Influenza A, RSV, Covid.

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That’s a bold statement. Perhaps it would benefit from some clarification to avoid being labelled as anti-vax?

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I’ve just bounced back from the flu. While it was a nasty one, I did recover fairly quickly (less than a week). Here’s what I did, not saying this is gospel or even the reason it worked, but here’s what I did, for better or worse -
I hardly moved at all. Walked slowly, sat, lie down. Every single ounce of energy I could spend on fighting this thing, I did.

I went to bed as early as I could. As soon as I felt tired, I went to sleep. No staying up. Sleep helps the immune system. And when you got something, sleep fights germs.

I slept during the day as well, if I was tired enough. Didn’t care much about how it would hurt my night’s sleep. Rest is always good when you’re sick.

I drank a lot of water. Being hydrated gives the body energy to focus on the fight.

I had a lot of Kombucha. I kind of like it. Someone said, that might’ve helped. Not that I would know. But it’s stock full of probiotics, which some say is good for you. I’m saying, I don’t know.

I ate very little. What I did eat, was stuff like nuts, dried fruit, some oatmeal, an apple or two. You don’t need all that much food when you’re sick, but pimping yourself with vitamins and energy certainly doesn’t hurt in the fight against the flu.

I stayed away from dairy stuff. Apparently, dairy isn’t great for the immune system. Not that I would know. I just didn’t feel like having any. But I was told, it’s apparently good to stay away from it. Not saying this is so, tho.

I took Ibuprofen. I don’t think it’s more efficient against the flu than anything else, but there’s always the risk of inflammations, and Ibuprofen battles those. Stuff in the ear and such.

I didn’t even try to “work from home”. I was so goddam sick it wasn’t an option.

I told my kids that unless it’s an emergency, they can fuck off with their wants and pleases and come on dad’s. Now that I’m back, tho, they’re showing no mercy


Heroin of course.
Bad for you.
Mess you up.
Unless it’s really pure.
Smoke it instead.

I never mentioned vaccinations of any kind.
You quickly jumped on that and labelled me so.

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This year was my first flu vaccine. I’ve had the flu once in my 43 years of life abut 13 years ago. I don’t have the flu now - my conclusions on this? Nothing. It’s not a usable data set so I don’t go making recommendations to others to get a flu shot or not based on 1 patient (me). My child, 4, does have the flu. He’s not been vaccinated either. So what do I do now? We just look after ourselves and get well and don’t recommend vaccinations or not on internet forums.

Also, @dee it’s a thread talking about the flu and some talk of vaccinations and you mention ‘not getting injected with stuff’ - let’s not be an idiot and pretend it wasn’t aimed at vaccinations.


Thank you for the clarification. Vaccines are ace. :syringe:


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Just pullin yer pisser mate…

Do whatever you need to do.
Enjoy the Future

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Im not joking.
Be careful.

Well I hope it didn’t seem like I was trying to convince anyone not to get the flu vaccine. My Mom is in her 70s has one lung and has it and I would be pretty upset if she didn’t.

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Apart from the aforementioned remedies, I recommend Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (Chinese Cough Syrup) for soothing coughs and sore throats. Also drinking ginger, garlic, lemon and honey in hot water.

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No Flu, but had covid again last week.

Heard my roommate coughing and groaning Monday morning and thought nothing of it as I assumed he was hung over. Didn’t see him Tuesday morning when I left for work and my office Christmas party, where I was around our whole team. Sat next to a 75 year old woman. Then drove home a senior manager who had too much to drink and was flying out to Hawaii the next morning.

Then the next morning symptoms started. I tested negative Wednesday but positive Thursday. Thankfully it seems I got no one sick.

Dunno if was flu or cv I had. Feked for most of a week in bed with a bottle of water…Even now almost 3 weeks after I first fell ill its lingering on.

Yes got my brain smashed by a yellow brick last week. Headache, brain fog, dizzy, feverish all over, changed clothes multiple times per night because I was drenched sweat.

It faded away after a couple night, now I am left with an annoying cough.

No fun at all.

So hopefully everyone gets through it quickly and gets better soon.

Eat a couple of fresh pineapples. They are full of good stuff. very refreshing and revitalizing.


Im pro-natural health now. Since upping my take of Vit C&D / antioxidants, I’ve not been ill at all. If you work on your own health, wellbeing, sleep then you’ll likely feel confident in your own immune system.

You might even find you stop posting about the sniffles on a music forum.





Pineapples have bromelain, also very good for the liver, prost !

Sleep, fluids, echinacea, olive leaf extract (or some other source of vit c) usually knocks it on the head pretty quickly for me.