FM-ish examples

Cool, thanks for these examples! :slight_smile:

OHHH thanks CUCKOO !!! will check it out now!
& thanks Simon I love the FM-ish Techno & Detroitish
kind regards

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Ive yet to dig into the new updated features! Shame on me. Putting some time aside this week to start my new set so thanks to everyone who’s spilling the beans on the new FM options! Keep them tips and patches coming :slight_smile:

Just wanted to tell that so far I had been VERY frustrated with FM synthesis on A4… I wasn’t expecting DX7 or MM sounds but the sounds I could get were at best very muddy… In fact I used them only to get aggressive attacks (= FM LFO with quick fade out).

Yesterday I performed a recalibration after 2 hours of warming and now I get some real FM sounds !!!
I can’t say it’s as good as what I’ve heard from Simon or Cuckoo, I still need to experiment with this, but I was relieved to find out what was wrong !


Recalibrated last night after reading your post, and man it makes the fm stuff easier!

Also, my ladder filter now tracks perfectly for the first time ever!

Stoked! Thanks for mentioning it!

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Cool mate :+1:
Glad it helped !
So nice to get such things back :slight_smile:

Strange question, but after calibration does the A4 jump back to the menu or give an ok (or fault) alert?

I was not behind when it was over, cause it took some time.
There’s a “loading” bar that indicates where it’s at + it explains what it’s currently calibrating.
Then you’re back at the menu iirc

Yeah, I just left it too and when I came back it was back in the menu. The Rytm specifically states an outcome which you need to exit with yes or no. I had problems with calibration in the end leading to me sending my Rytm back to Sweden so I have a little bit of PTSD from calibrating my Elektrons …

Must say, the support from Elektron was insane, within a week the Rytm was back. Elektron <3!

Anyways, calibration. I think all is ok. Don’t hear a difference. But it was stressful :smiley:

Thanks for these sounds, I was really on the fence with A4 after reading harsh comments from Moog obsessed people on this forum.
I really should stop reading forums to decide a purchase.
A4 in your demo does sound deep, and the FM is awesome.
I’ìll buy as soon as I have the money

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