FromSoftware Games Thread

Its your call but to me DEX and Endurance are very good stats to pump up.


Absolutely loving this game, the hours just fly past. Is anyone else finding it difficult to find weapons and armour sets? I’m rocking a +3 axe though I’m hesitant to upgrade it any further, usually play with a halberd or bastard sword so saving my smithing stones for a better weapon.

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@NickD @circuitghost

Well I already killed the first ER npc. I finally figured out how, or in this case who,

Possible Minor Spoiler

was the son of a bitch stealing 30% of my runes every time I died

and I killed him for it. He died a cowards death begging for mercy, pretending not to understand.

That asshole almost made me wonder if it was a new game mechanic :face_with_hand_over_mouth: should have known though, with that patchy laugh of his. It’s the universal darks souls sound of being gaslid.

Btw…We might be starting to head into the territory we’re some of us have progressed much further than others, might be nice to keep the (unhidden) spoilers to a minimum? :thinking:

@Ryan welcome to it brother. :pray: it’s marvelous :meh:


Yes, please. In addition to being an FS scrub, I’m in Hungary and we have a bit of a situation here that I’m helping out with.

I don’t really get the stats and stuff like scaling. Anybody know a good guide for these kind of things?

Are you looking for something specific or do you want general information?

Imho, the best address for such questions.

Stats explained

Stats | Elden Ring Wiki (

Weapons | Elden Ring Wiki (

"Scaling is how much damage is added to a Weapon due to your investment in a specific Stat like Strength or Dexterity for example. Elden Ring also handles this in a similar manner to the Souls franchise with “S” being the best Scaling, followed by “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E”.

In short, the better the letter, the more damage you will deal by investing into the specified scaling Stat. Some Weapons have more than one Scaling Stat, so pay attention to what these are and make sure to increase the ones that give you the most damage per Attribute Point"

Upgrades | Elden Ring Wiki (

Ashes of War | Elden Ring Wiki (

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After quite a long time of abstinence from gaming Elden Ring sucked me right back in again. Having 100%-ed each and every From Software title since Demon Souls I couldn’t resist - and, well, it’s marvelous.

A really worthy successor to their Dark Souls games and addictive as hell.

I did some googling, but didnt find any spesifics as to how the scaling worked. I get that S is better, but not how much more damage i will do. And when testing the S scale staff compared to the starting one i didnt see that much of a difference on regular enemies.

But i might have too low of a level on Int to see a difference.

I’m now caught in two minds. Defeated Godrick but not sure if I want to heard north for mainstoryline progress or do some more adventuring to the south and east.

Also trying my hardest to steer clear of guides though it is a challenge to resist. The guides are very useful for weapon/stat decisions.

Anyway, think I’m going to go to the small island just off the beach next before attempting runebear and the surrounding area. Might keep up the bear hunting after…

This game is hard to shake off. Even when not playing I’m constantly thinking about it. It’s like the crack of gaming.


I think the damage formula is not known yet?

I could be possible that you only notice it at a certain level, i.e. at a certain value for a certain stat.

For example, I have 35 INT and an staff with “S” scaling, which gives me 185 on sorcery. If I take a staff with “C” scaling I only have 130 sorcery with the same score in INT. Apparently more, but this S-scaling staff, for example, cannot be upgraded. So it’s good for starters, but is overtaken by other staves that you can level up, even if the staves don’t have S scaling. What’s even more confusing is that there are items that additionally increase the potency of spells.

That probably didn’t help. :grinning: The information density is still very thin

It was helpful to know that nobody knows. hehe.

I just read about an item i have that seems like a good ting actually debuff’s your HP. Even when you just have it in your inventory.

I havent dared to use any stuff i pick up as i dont know what they do, or if i would need them later. hehe.

That kind of paralysed me a bit in both Dark Souls and Sekiro. Especially with consumables as they’re used and done even if you die. So I ended up just not using the stuff and slogging it through learning enemy mechanics and beating bosses the hard way.

I still have a bit of a hangover of this in Elden Ring but at least I haven’t played for like 50 hours before learning about flask and weapon upgrades this time around :joy:

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Ha, better sa(v)e than sorry :laughing:

Most items are so obscure and situationally useful, you never know when you might need them. But there’s nothing worse than messing up your playthrough because you just used it for fun. or worse just sold it because you needed runes.

this reminds me of the cable and adapter collection meme :grinning:

Crfafting takes the edge off this in ER, but I have similar issues and it’s definitely hard to shake - you feel like buffs need to be saved for something truly terrible later on, and you end up with a pile left at the end, after a load of fights that were harder than they needed to be.

I had a similar issue with the crafting upgrade stones in ER at first, but exploring soon unearthed enough to take a new item to the first limit in one go. I’m also merrily selling crafting materials to finance levelling up. My main fear at this point is that I’m going to run into a huge sheep that has some tough questions to ask me.

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Trying to keep things spoiler free but I’m currently trying to decide if I should sell something from the Godrick fight as I’m gearing towards more of a sorcerer type rather than a strength build. It’s worth a small fortune, probably 3 levels of upskilling worth, but can’t shake the feeling that selling might be a bad idea some how :joy:

Crafting def does help. My quickest in game reflexes are probably from riding torrent and something pops up to collect!

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You need to place that item somewhere before you sell it. Ill leave at that.


I’ve stumbled across some new faith str weapons that are absolutely bonkers, a large curved sword that let’s you sort of dive into the ground creating a lava pool the other being a giant club that can summon homing blue orbs in sort of a mage type style. The sword is I guess something more common to quality builds or dex int builds of old games, and the club gives a bit of mage flavor. The weapon variety in this game is really great, let’s you really mix up your play style.

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Hey I found a meteorite staff as a vagabond. How do I get it to go pew pew?

Farm tip with spoiler

If you’ve gotten to bestial sanctum, those little black bastards outside give off 1k each. They are super easy to sneak up on. But they offer a ton of damage.

I think you need to make sure first you have the stats to use the item, I think 18 int? and then you need to have some mage spells equipped to cast I believe… I don’t think it has a weapons art or ash of war thingy. It might not be worth stating into it unless you are looking to go mage hybrid build.

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Only needed ten int to use. I was already at 9 so said why the hell not.

Haven’t seen any word on mage spells. We’ll see.