FromSoftware Games Thread

Anyone buying the Elden Ring strategy guides?


YouTube is free. Buying is for synths.


LOL - sure YouTube gets you the tips, but the artwork and lore in these should be good


But could any top the dulcet tones of VaatiVidya? :laughing:


I havenā€™t played a computer game in years, but just randomly decided to buy elden ring without knowing what it was.

FML now when I want to go to the studio to make music I say, well just a quick game of elden ring first. And there goes the night. Buyer beware!


Elden Ring is such a masterpiece, itā€™s hard to put it into wordsā€¦and then the scale of it and the attention to detail are also just mind blowing to me.


Finally finished Elden Ringā€¦spend a solid 120hrs on it as I tried to do and discover it all without the help of the internetā€¦what a journey!!! So happy I chose to play it that way, I sort of spoiled the feeling of discovery for myself in Sekiro by ā€œgoogling ahead.ā€ This way, Iā€™ve managed to unlock 88% of the trophies on Steam, though Iā€™m wondering about those last 12% lol.

Anyone here done NG+ runs?

What a fantastic experience this game has been, a real journey and a gaming masterpiece.


Yeah I did. Think I completed it 3 times in the end to get all endings and a couple of things I had missed.

Havenā€™t really touched ER in weeks now. Hoping dlc lands and then will jump back on board for a bit


Well done, weā€™re all proud of you Ashen One!

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My 3yo daughter absolutely loves elden ring lol. She wants me to play it all the time and sit on my lap and watch. She is starting to say stuff now like, ā€˜ooh that kill was good xpā€™, ā€˜make sure to buff up before the bossā€™, and ā€˜nice, you got somber smithing stone 6ā€™! I even taught her how to use the mouse and keyboard, how to target with Q etc. and she managed to finish the tutorial by herself with me helping over her shoulder. During her nap yesterday she even asked for me to play an elden ring tutorial on youtube for her to fall asleep too. Training the next generation I guessā€¦ if only she was as interested in music stuff :-)!


This is fucking awesome, I read posts like this and for a moment I regret not wanting kids.

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Iā€™m giving DS3 another go, that intro boss that took me SO LONG to beat the first time, I beat on like my 3rd or 4th attempt.

However, I completely neglected the parrying speed in Elden Ring. Itā€™s pretty hard to time this stupid thing in DS3 :grinning:

If you are new to Souls games, Iā€™d like to suggest that you not start with Elden Ring like I did.

I started out with an Astrologer and focused my build on magic and ranged weapons. I did a lot of grinding and cheesed a lot of bosses. Not all that much fun.

Then I got Dark Souls on my Switch, played for a while, then started over with a new game once I started to get the hang. I progressed quickly.

Then I bought Sekiro back on the PS4. It was easy to get into Sekiro after DS, and Iā€™m making good progress there.

The other day I booted Elden up again. Instead of playing my powered up mage, I started a new game as a Samurai. Now Iā€™m finally having fun! Even grinding is easier, since the grind opportunities seem to assume a melee player.


True! I might have dabbled with Dark Souls a while prior.

But as I was playing Elden Ring as my first official From game. I ran into this complex where: this game is hard, Iā€™m not a good gamer, so I had no way of knowing how good I had to be for each area. I was crippled with confusion for every area of the game

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Seen the new Elden Ring patch? Co-op and invasion signs can be sent much further now. Rivers of Cheese has been nerfed, as has repeated use of Bloodhoundā€™s Step.

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Iā€™m replaying Elden Ring as a Samurai (Dex/Arcane) after my first game with a Faith build and Iā€™m having a lot of fun! Iā€™m having a much easier time this game which means either a) I got decent at the game after my first time through or b) Faith builds are pretty tough in the early/mid game. I think it might be a combination of the two.

This time Iā€™m not having to grind as much because Iā€™m not dying nearly as often, which means I actually keep most of the runes Iā€™ve earned. Also Iā€™m really enjoying using a bow and arrow - itā€™s much more powerful than most of the incantations I had as a Confessor (at least until late game).


It might also be because Dex/Arcane pwns. :slight_smile:

I started out as Dex/Faith then drifted towards Dex/Arcane as I learned more about the stats interacted, etc.


I haven played ER since I got the plat, itā€™s a shame how my incentive to play games these days is based on concepts of achievement vs actual enjoyment of the gameā€¦ That said, Iā€™m still very keen on some DLC action and hope we see some this side of Christmas!

I was talking to my friend the other day about the boss design in ER vs previous FromSoft games, and I believe that overall FromSoft dropped the ball on this one. The early main bosses are pretty good (I like Margit and Godrick are highlights). Morgott is a cool fight too, with a weakening mechanic reminiscent of Father Gascoyne. However the Valiant Gargoyle, Malenia and Maliketh I felt were examples of how spammy and extreme these encounters have become. I miss the ā€˜good old daysā€™ of the Demons Souls Tower Knight for example - it seems with the Valiant Gargoyles and the two Crucible Knights weā€™re regressing somewhat to the Demons Souls Maneaters. Bloodborneā€™s bosses were hard as nails but they felt like dances with deadly partners - Laurence, Maria and Orphan of Kos spring to mind. ER has encounters like these and theyā€™re really good, but I feel way to many boss battles involve a boss smacking you down with endless combos that canā€™t be blocked or parried or even dodged without running out of stamina.

Great game though, lovely world to explore, tonnes of awesome weapons and some really intriguing concepts. I bring up my frustrations because I love FromSoft games so much. If I didnā€™t care for them as much as I do, I would be as passionate about what I feel are flaws and regressions. Itā€™s a game of extremes - some of the best bosses in the history of FromSoft mixed with some truly abominable encounters. In a way itā€™s to be expected from such a massive game but I hope FromSoft spend more time balancing the DLC and future endeavours, even if it does mean cutting back on the overall scope.

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Iā€™ve been the same - not really touched it since I battered through and 100% the achievements. Butā€¦ I do think about returning to it quite often. Ideally Iā€™d like to see the game take a price reduction so my two gaming buddies will pick it up (one would have to double dip having had it on PS5, which he sold) as never really experienced any of FSā€™s games online!

My major concern is that Iā€™d go back to ER and just be so utterly dog shit having lost all my timing and what not that Iā€™d end up hating it :joy: I was hoping for Xmas DLC but looks like it will be into next year which is fair enough. Probably hold off until that drops before jumping back in - though another wretch journey is sure temptingā€¦

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New fresh game, an Astrologer named PICKLES.

Hearing that sound cue after opening the door to the Stormfoot Catacombs feels like coming home. :nerd_face: