FromSoftware Games Thread

Very keen on this - but will wait and see what it is like on the ps4 (pro) first!

Oddly enough it was Kings Field and especially Eternal Ring that got me hooked on FromSoftware.


The thing I loved was the map design, and gameplay flexibility. In Eternal Ring, I maxxed out the poison cloud attack, and that strategy got me all the way to the end of the game.


Whats great is there is no wrong answer. We have no idea what a great class will be yet, and I love it.
I have a friend who has never played before and was like “I want to start as a thief class”. YT guys are saying thats the toughest class for noobs, but I told him to do it. Nobody truly knows what builds will rise to prominence in 3-6 months. I love just going into this game knowing nothing. I have paid the price before but I have also created very clever builds as well that wouldn’t have happened if I overthought it.

I think STR Faith could be insanely good…enjoy it!

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Yep I have been creating and stockpiling tracks to send to labels and honestly this may be the mental break I needed. I haven’t cracked out on a video game in a very long time. Sometimes it can be a good thing. The music will be there.


Holy cow! I didn’t realize they did Kings Field!


Any tips for FS newbs going in? Aside from “You’ll die. That’s the point.” Got that much :slight_smile:

Has anyone heard if this runs well on the PS4 / PS4 Pro ? (I’m guessing I’ll need to wait a few days but was keen to play this weekend :slight_smile: )

Reddit says this video is good.


Awesome - thanks for that - just watched it all - it looks great - very excited now :slight_smile:

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Find a small circuit to run in the beginning. Something that takes you past plenty of low level enemies, but that you feel confident in getting back to any part of if you need to. Then run this. Over and over. At first just to get a level or two. Then taking bigger and bigger risks, killing enemies only with counters or backstabs or trying out new moves.

Then start to pay attention to enemy attacks. How many do they have? Do they use them in a pattern? In what way do they telegraph them? What are the best counters? Can you do them reliably?

If you die, fall back to whatever the easiest, safest way to get through is until you can get back your XP. Then go back to taking risks.

Level up a few times like this and you’ll feel very confident against this type of enemy, a little more confident with your attack animations, and have an extera level or two to boot.

Now do this over an over until the you run out of game :wink:


Man I hope this game runs well: I’ll blow my first refund hour customizing my character and the next running around like a chicken about to get its head cut off.

Thank you.

Yes, 30 FPS on Ps4, 34 Fps on ps4 pro. Quality us a little less, but stlll good.


Thanks a lot !

EDIT: just watching the vid now (wasnt there when I replied !! Thanks !)


Similar measurements for Xbox? (Series S here)

Learning to parry is a super valuable skill. It can make really tough enemies like the Templar Knights in DS3 (good stamina, huge shields, able to kill you in a few shots) much easier to kill rather quickly. And those enemies usually drop valuable things so you can practice and farm them.

The best players in Dark Souls can parry, so I would imagine that will be the case for ER as well.

  • play a class that starts with a shield so you can block incoming attacks
  • you can also roll to dodge stronger attacks. the speed of your roll is dependant on your equip load. heavy armor is… well… heavier and makes you slower :smiley: (equip load shouldnt be higher than 70% because then your rolls are super slow and not worth it anymore)
  • always watch your stamina bar, it should never go to zero. every attack, block and roll uses stamina
  • it’s advisable to put your first skill points into Vigor (more hitpoints) and Endurance (more stamina + allows you to wear heavier armor while keeping equip load low)
  • you need to study enemy attacks and attack patterns and you will die a lot while doing so
  • dont be too upset if you lose your souls every now and then, especially in the beginning
  • enjoy the ride and dont go hollow :smiley:

All solid advice, I think one I would add is don’t be afraid of just trying different set ups and play styles. I know I am not the norm but my first souls game only really clicked once I started 2 handing big weapons. It really helped me break the game down into dodge and get in one big hit during an opening and helped me fight that temptation of trying for one more hit during that opening when there wasn’t really time for it.

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I like building from the ground up.


Realized I never answered my own question.

I am thinking Prisoner, Samurai, or Depraved!

5 Hours to go!!

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