FromSoftware Games Thread

This. I am that guy that makes like 5 different save files of different classes when I start.

Im staying the course with Prisoner. with my luck, a faith build will be the GOAT and I will be screwed…lol. But I love sorcery and Dexed out swordplay. Such a fun combo.

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My TV right now…


About 2.5 hours and now bed. Just wow so far. The world is a thing of beauty.

Went for vagabond in the end. With prodigious use of stealth, back stabs and guard counters, I’m feeling pretty good.


Gah, i’ve got an older discrete gpu in my laptop, i wonder how quickly it’d croak on Elden Ring.

Shield up, be patient, attack when the opponent’s blow missed.
Attack only once at a time, if hit replace your next attack by healing.
When exploring, be slow, traps are a thing in those games.


Can’t wait to finish work today and jump into this one. Want to start as a wretch but the Reddit is full of “my word, it’s hard” chat. Do I really want to do this to myself?…. Yes, I think I do.


Is this game better than Skyrim?


Anything I hear about From’s games, triggers all the wrong things in me :slight_smile: long trecks for rematches, bordering on unfair combat, gloomy atmosphere and generally punishing.

It’s like saying you’ll enjoy pain because once it’s over, you’ll be relieved it’s gone.

Which obviously means I have to try one now.

But I did quit on Hollow Knight for these exact reasons, so we’ll see.


That’s never the case - though it certainly can feel that way!

From my experience, everything can be learned. It’s all patterns that, at times, require lightning reflexes. In some ways I view the fighting in FS games as puzzle games.

Don’t get me wrong though. I’ll rage quite and will be swearing and shouting when it gets real tough. But I’ll always come back…


Actually, I don’t mind a brutal fight where I’m put down over and over, as long as I can see how I can improve to eventually win this one.

What made me quit Hollow Knight wasn’t the trecking or the fights or the exploring, it was actually just the downright annoying platform puzzles. I just wasn’t interested in timing dash jumps between spiked walls and calibrate my bounce from poisoned fungus, it’s not a skill that’s rewarding to learn.

It took me two days to beat Hornet. I didn’t mind, despite the rage quits. But the perfect timing platform puzzles … it’s not like the game ever needed that kind of challenge. The fights, exploring and just general combat is plenty enough, and also very good. But the platforming’s not on par as far as level design goes, and so I couldn’t be bothered.

So maybe I can handle the From pain after all. Doesn’t seem like they got anything like that kind of nonsense going on in their games.


Thank the grace I went with Vagabond. Phewee.

Checkin to see if I'm doing this right...vague spoilers

Took out a group of soldiers pretty confidently. Immediately after entered a small area with crossbows and a monster. Got my ass handed to me. Ran like hell and wound up meeting a solo version of the same monster. Took it on and, while Ive died thrice now, I take more and more energy off it each time.

Is that doing FromSoftware the right way?

Your problem is this will probably be the game to play if one wants more BoTW.

Simply put, yes!

It’s how I’ve done it over the years. “Git gud” with manageable odds then in time you can start spanking several enemies at once.


While this is a point regularly made about From games, I’ve seen more than one instance of dodgy hitboxes.

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Ah well, I only have a Switch. So if it’s gonna be anything, it’ll be Dark Souls.

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Dark Souls II is especially bad for hitboxes/hurtboxes at times. And there are some instances where camera issues can make things unfair, eg Nameless King phase 1.

But on the whole anything that can really be considered unfair is remarkably rare considering the nature and lengths of the games. How many games that feature levelling mechanics can be routinely completed without levelling up at all? To me that’s a testament to how these games are actually fair to a very unusual degree, in contrast with the way they’re often talked about.


This is a beautiful quote, the OT truly demands you git gud and will make you die over and over again. Then you manage to pick up your bloodstain and conquer the boss, only to grind again to reach the next one. The struggle is real.


It’s great on Switch. That’s the version I completed! Many wonderful moments in that one and the level/map design is fantastic.

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Good lad! Kings Field and Eternal Ring were really unusual titles, dark and foreboding but with these really catchy soundtracks. The combat dance was fun and the feeling of becoming stronger was a massive draw.

Hah. Just realised From did the Tenchu games. I loved those. Played them all.