Future (actual) OT2 owner questions

, organized my folder ./AUDIO/ like this, i kept structures…

it’s 12GB READY FOR TRANSFERT ! :laughing: lol

ps: if my OT2 has not last update, i put update file at root / ?

edit: found >>>>>>

**3. Place the OS file with the file extension .bin in the root (the top level of the file structure andnot inside any folder) of the Compact Flash card.

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voilà ! just received the parcel :smiley:

i finish fastly making my X-fade ambiant loops with EDISON VST / Standalone audio editor… (blur + loop/xfade)

then open the beast. :slight_smile:


I can’t speak for Macs but on PC you absolutely don’t have to power off to connect or disconnect, just make sure you eject it in Windows before disconnecting it to avoid the extremely rare but technically possible chance of corrupting a file or two on the card, jsut like any other USB storage.


OK thk you ! :slight_smile:

HEY, it’s AWESOME lol !!! <3

i love demo A09, fader cuts to Scene B haha !


im importing my samples , its a 32 GB card :smiley:

ok, it’s time to create ! :smiley:

thx ALL for great help, <3

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got questions again… i will ask here to not create 500 topiks …

1- how i remove a sample from a track but letting it in flex ?

2-how i clean a track ?

3-how i record chromatic play while REC PLAY?

Not in front of mine but from memory
1- Func + Stop while highlighting the sample in your list
2- While in grid mode, Func + Stop clears the whole track of trigs (press again to undo)
3- While not in grid or rec mode hold Func and use the up/down buttons to scroll to chromatic mode.

it not unassign sample from track, it delete it from flex.

I think its the same in the flex menu. Just highlight the sample and it will be removed from the list freeing up RAM.

i dont want to remove it, i want to unbind it from a track.

2- not worked, it clear/undo pattern.

Hmm. What did you mean by clean then?
If you want to “unbind” a sample from a track pick a different sample. I think your choice of wording may be throwing me off a bit here.

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sry, my english is terrible sometimes :))))))))

ye but i cant bind “none” ? obliged to pick one ?

It’s ok, and totally understandable. The OT sort of has its own language so I wouldn’t say it’s your English. Again I’m not in front of mine, and honestly need to hop back on as I’ve sort of taken a break for a month, but I think you are sort of obliged to assign a sample. You could always start a new project and see if you can leave the flex spots blank while trying to record, but I don’t know what use case you would have for this.

Ok thx ! i gonna create an empty .wav .

It sort of sounds like you want to use “trigless trigs”. If you hold func and lay a trig, but press it a few times it will light up green. This is a “trigless trig”. You can now p-lock these with whatever src/amp/lfo/fx parameters you like without it trigging the sample that is selected. Hope this helps.

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i have a piano sample that shows on track, i put a trigger on 1st step, its a loop… but i dont hear it :sa:
why ?

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pushed AMP + FX1 clear, worked :smiley:

There isn’t a “none” machine every track has to have a function. your sample slots (1-127) are shared by every pattern in a project. meaning any track on any pattern, that is assigned to slot 1 will use whatever sample you put in slot 1, if you want a different sample on a track you need to choose a different slot. You have 4 parts in a Bank of patterns (think of that as a kit preset that stores all the slots you have assigned) so you have set up 4 presets to start from, but you can also lock different slots per step. on the sequencer.

if you don’t mind my asking, what is your native language? it may be worth seeking out someone who speaks something familiar that can do a session to get an overview of the device. :slight_smile:

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im french.

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