GAS just reached a new level

That’s a great strategy IMO:

  1. drug yourself,
  2. order stuff,
  3. forget about it,
  4. receive joy,
  5. feel no guilt.

You’d think so. But apparently, the parcel’s spinning around between drop-off points. Which makes this even more confusing. It’s not like it’s not here. It’s in the city. But the truck just keeps moving it from drop point to drop point.

I’m starting to wonder if someone’s just pulling a really elaborate prank on me. Though I can’t for the life of me imagine what the punchline would be.

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It’ll be a Novation after all :wink:


I’m even wondering if Novation is doing this, actually :slight_smile: I know they’re on this forum.

But if they do send me a Digitone, they have a fantastic sense of humour as well as confidence :slight_smile:


send it back and ask for a refund :slight_smile:


The Third Policeman of synths. Maybe it does not actually exist in this plane of existence… yet? Forgive my extremely obscure reference. I didn’t even really understand the book all that well, myself.

How do you know it’s a Digitone in the shipment? When I get shipping notifications, they don’t usually say what’s in the box.

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It says on the shipping notice from the actual supplier. Tho I suppose I don’t know if that’s correct either :blush:

…my sensel morph noodled through the city, too…it came last monday…
was scheduled for friday…before the weekend…hmmmmpf…

and since there are no coincidences, i can tell u already the end of this story…
tomorrow u’ll make a new friend…not british, but swedish…
the tone will do great in ur sonic pallet…


Should this post be moved to a synth poetry thread?

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Sorry for this dumb question but, GAS, what does it mean??

It’s Gear Acquisition Syndrome. I wasn’t familiar with the term either before I bought my first hardware synth about two years ago.


So here’s the end of this story -

Digitone arrived the day before yesterday. Haven’t picked it up yet, but checked with the vendor why it was here in the first place.

Apparently, my cancellation of the Digitone - made over phone - wasn’t fully confirmed and instead, the customer service agent put it on hold. Not sure what that means, but he did. After a few weeks, some ambitious gent discovered that this On Hold-order was vastly delayed and it was time to ship it. So off it went, and now here it is.

Obviously, they’re sorry about this and since they accept returns and pay for shipment without asking questions anyway, I was just sent a return slip and, as he said, “Just tape it on the package as you pick it up and hand it back to your local agent.”

So … yeah :slight_smile: off I go, to the station, in an hour or so.

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1 hour left to give it a run :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is not how it’s going to end in the movie version! :grinning:

Alternate ending:
Watch the package slowly go up a ramp and into a plane (sure!) and as the plane is readying for takeoff, start running after it in the empty corridors of Stockholm Arlanda Airport like you would after the girl of your dreams you’ve just broken up with. As you watch the plane take off, a single tear runs down your cheek as you turn around and find the package sitting idly on a chair at the gate area. “I couldn’t go”, she says.

“There’s no eurorack waiting for us at home, is there?”


Haven’t actually picked it up to return it yet, that’s what I’m about to do now. So this could still take a turn to the left, I suppose :blush:

…u seriously don’t wanna try and hear it it first…!?..u wanna ghost it…!?

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Ah, who am I kidding? I’m gonna open it and give it a go. Still got ten days left on the return period.


…be warned…u might gonna like what ur about to see and hear…a lttle too much… :wink:

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I wonder what the equivalent to Eurorack is in the more exotic world of “romance”?

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