GAS just reached a new level

Exotic? Romance? Hmm… dunno, my affair with eurorack was short, intense, one-sided and expensive. :smile:

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Well, spent a few hours with the Digitone now. So far, not a fan of the inherent sound (as I remembered it, I’ve tried it before after all), but the filter, envelopes and fx are top notch and certainly helps to shape the timbre.

And I kind of don’t like the Elektron sequencer all that much these days.

However, there’s something to be said about a focused instrument with such great quality, that allows you to write full tracks on it with so much movement going on. Can’t think of any equivalent, so I’m gonna do my best to get to know this fella before return period is up. My ideas on the Digitone reside in my head, after all, and I can challenge myself to think and look at it differently, now that it’s arrived through a combination of chance, Novation’s Circuit launch campaign and a customer service agent’s misreading of the situation.

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i hate to say it but I feel the same lately.
Also about the sound… I made stuff I really like on the DN, and lot‘s of people do great stuff with it, but I have a hard time get anything really satisfying out of it lately, without using the filter extensively.
I guess taste evolves and changes, and someone call fall out of love with a certain sound

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Ironically, I’m now discovering modulating FM parameters, and learning I’m getting sounds out of this one the Prophet 12 could never reach. The very specific harmonies and variations that emerge when you work the FM part of the synth with some layer of unpredictability, certainly makes for something else.

But this thread shouldn’t be about my potential discovery or dismissal of the Digitone, so I think I’ll wrap it up now. If I get anything out of this, you’ll hear about it elsewhere, for sure :slight_smile:


One last question: What would’ve happened with the payment if you hadn’t contacted the vendor a couple of days ago? Asking for someone who’s been practicing questionable rituals to get free synths shipped to him. :smiley:

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Occam’s Razor strikes again.

I’m going to sneak in a comment about the elektron sequencer though. I was reaching a point last year where I was falling out of love with it, wondering if it’s too limiting with only 4 bars. Flash forward to today and I gotta say I’m more in love with the workflow than ever, finding new little avenues that I haven’t explored yet. I’m into it!


Well, I got an invoice, so the usual, I guess. I disappear for a month and when I return, I speak like a fool having been to the mountains of madness and returned with most of my sanity lost in the ice :slight_smile:

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All right. An epilogue, as well.

It’s going back. I won’t be keeping it.

Until next time, friends. Glad you joined me on this ride :slight_smile:

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Out of principle or because you didn’t like it? Asking for a friend that already has a DN…

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Tell your friend I didn’t much like it :blush:

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