Gear ideas the world isn't ready for?

I was thinking of this device the other day…the tagline would be “broadcast beyond the grave”. Most will likely think I’m unhinged but mark my words- I’m sure someone is either working on this particular idea or will once they hear about it. Anyways, it would be this box with various way to capture the sounds and such of your decomposing body: contact mics, alligator clips, those probes or whatever they are called that people stick in the soil to listen to their vegetables grow. The “user” could set certain modulation parameters before they kick the bucket and the audio and power supply cables would attach to a custom headstone that has a speaker, audio out (for visitors to collect samples) and a solar panel to keep it going for at least a few years. Perhaps, a more expensive headstone could be developed with a nice simple UI so that people could actually modulate the sound of your decay or hook up a keyboard so they can actually play you. Yes, yes… I know this sounds a bit macabre but…it might actually help people in mourning, or not. Could have the opposite effect I guess. I do suppose that the funeral home industry might be resistant or, they might in fact see it as another opportunity to upcharge. I personally wouldn’t want to be a customer as death is the best available opportunity to be forgotten but I am likely in the minority for thinking as much.


My only hope is that someone is there to enjoy my post-expiry evacuation.

I mean, what’s the point in shitting yourself if there’s no-one there (not even yourself) to enjoy it?


Yes… and can you even imagine the sort of percussive sounds one’s body might produce? It could inspire a whole new genre of music. I really should of sent a hand written letter to Eno about this, oh well.

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Kinda like a musique concrète cloaca-synth ?
I think we are on to something.


Cacatone and Poopootakt


Don’t forget the Shittytakt


This thread went into the toilet in record time


That’s productivity.


We are going into Death Grips territory. I knew we were all noided here.


Deathfart ChatGPT Gabber Generator :bomb:


Oh gosh, I step away from my computer for 30mins and I return to find a literal shit fest of inspiration. I know nothing about video synthesis but another option could be to have a screen in headstone for “generative epitaphs” .

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Grimes collab-bots?

Grimes Speaks Out After Backlash Over AI Song (

Can’t argue that it wouldn’t be cool to be able to say you can’t legally go within 50m ot Brian Eno, so I say send away!



…back from sonic poo to sonic topic…

i can only think of concepts, the world actually is ready for…at least the blue pilled side of it…

…3rd gen, already born with second retina constant input, from telly to computer screen, from offline to virtual realtime xess, is already on it’s way into tomorrowland…

human interfacing…brain to midi…link me up…here’s the click…it’s full of stars…metapop…stars…

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The future is pure poo to me!

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Vaguely reminds me of the 70s/80s parapsychology trope of “kirlian photography” which was really hip in the old “Whole Earth Catalog” days.

No shade intended to you, but the world is definitely ready for never having to hear another stupid press release from Grimes forevermore.


Her first album did have some bangers!


Yeah, from her nonstop NFT/“digital collectible” shilling these days I assume it had more to do with ghostwriters than ability.

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[clang] Sample your dead!
[clang] Sample your dead!


That might be why her first album actually had some interesting parts. She also made her own videos etc. back then.