Gear that is art

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While I won’t deny it looks good. If you are that assed. Just buy a sidstation and get the silver faceplate recoloured. I never get these colour swap price increases. It’s like someone painting a shed red, writing €$¥RARE¥$€ and charging crazy money for it

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The SynTesla Steampunk Synth

Steampunk is a popular enough riff, perhaps a little overdone now – but still there is something that just makes you want to play it. I guess that’s the attraction for all these artsy veneered synths for me anyway – taking something ( a synthesizer ) that is already sort of magical, and then wrapping that in a fantasy.

Behind the wrapping ...

… here is a Streichfett and a tube amplifier. There is a photo of the insides of this, and it is definitely a “Wizard of Oz” let down sort of moment, but that’s why magicians should never tell how the trick works.


all the nord leads and the wave 1


OK, so the overlays are Oversynth “Max Colors + Keys”. But where didja get the colored knobs ?

All that’s left to do is a colorful Power Handle – purely decorative of course, No Batteries Included.

They look like chroma caps.

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Thanks !

For anyone else looking, i had found a place called Antique Electronic Supply that has tons of brightly colored knobs, but none seemed to match this.

You can change the search characteristics to their database.


The IO Labs Flux and some of Instruo’s modules are visually stunning (at least to me).

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TONTO vibes.

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I think I’m more a Xaoc guy.


Limited edition Blue MonoMachine is arguable a thing of beauty.


Mine are chroma caps. They are taller than the original model knobs and make it much easier to use. I better not shown that link to my girlfriend or she may transform the rest of my studio in to one giant rainbow!

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I always love the way Sidstation looks…reminds me of the countdown clock form Goldfinger.
Bought it, when it came out because of the sheer beauty of its design. I knew nothing about Sid chip at that time.

The other one is the original wavedrum WD 1 with wooden shell. That is the work of art.

Today I visited Main Drag Music in Brooklyn and lingered near this 1970 Moog Model D. It’s serial number 1003, making it the third MiniMoog Model D to come out of the first round of production. It’s for sale for $30k, but it seems like it belongs in a museum. The people at the shop are really cool, they know how special it is and they’re happy to hang out and talk about it.


I love the design of my Eigenharp,
such a forward looking design … a futuristic idea that it could be everything, perhaps a folly, but that’s idealism is great.

the Soundplane and the way it blends technology and natural materials, again…
using wood is kind of a ‘strange’ choice for a ‘reactive’ surface, and it really influences its feel and what you can play with it.
obviously an aesthetic choice too…
what quite interesting by its look… is by looks alone, you really have no idea what it will look/feel/play like.

(sorry, not great pics, just screen grabs off my videos… if you look around you will find some stunning photos of these instruments :))


I love the Peter Maly designs for Sauter:


Would love a Soundplane, looks like a proper instrument! hope they come back to production one day.


So many brilliant decisions come together in the eigenharp! I wish I had any sort of real-time instrumental aptitude to justify getting one. From what I hear, appreciation for its design grows the deeper you dive.