Get ready…

I saw this before i went to bed the weird alien ear heartbeat thing, and i had some bizarre dreams haha what is that thing


It’s a marketing ploy. You set up “leaks” that are a great way of free advertising and building hype. Do you think Kotaku actually digs up info on games? We used to send our leaks in a couple months before release :wink:




A digimachine in ot2 format with fader to mix between the engines

Feed it sounds…it makes noise.

I think it’s gonna do some things.

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I PMed him about* it because it seemed he was being pretty free with the information; NDAs are usually pretty strict. We had a short exchange but then he deleted the thread and his reddit account… which I found a bit strange.

* - no, I wasn’t asking him to reveal more information, in case anyone was wondering :stuck_out_tongue:

One of them was me :stuck_out_tongue: as someone who’s had to sign an NDA in the past they do appear to be pretty strict, so I’m guessing the Elektron ones are also pretty serious…

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The new nanoloop device is pretty much that.

edit: oops sorry about posting 3 times in a row, should have multi-quoted instead of replying individually.


Did you create this or something?

RMR on reddit under the alias of pwmpwmwpwmpwmpwm wrote that it isn’t an update to any line but takes dna from past ones. My guess is a hybrid monomachine/machinedrum


A box based on the digitone where the 8 voices are incorporated into specific machines focused on drums i.e. an 8 track digital drum machine in the digi box format.


May be a flagship product for sure (Price of MK2’s) Monomachine 2 and Machinedrum 2.!!!
Elektron need to up their game and they know it , they also know their most loved products were the two silver box’s.
They were nailing it fours years ago arguably the best musical instrument maker on the planet at the time.
If they bring out another product in cheap modal range id say its pretty much all over for the brand. I cant see their customer base wanting toys.

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That’s a pretty ridiculous thing to say imo.

There’s definitely more of a market for lower cost, quick, fun devices, rather than deep sound design machines. I’ve certainly got a lot of mileage out of the M:S, despite also owning and loving the OT, MM and DN.

Looking forward to the announcement :slight_smile:


I bet its a Model:Coffee!

I recommend checking out Karenn’s set at Resident Advisor if you think Elektron’s production of smaller boxes is a death knell for the company:

They made arguably the best techno album of the year in 2019, and if this video is any indication the Model:Samples played a big role (not to mention the Digitone!)
The best in the business are using the M:S because it is a great piece of gear.

Get off your high horse. Elektron know what they’re doing


So it was Nick Batt?


Lol reading the text again it seems they messed that up as well. Roughly translated “we have 30 products from Elektron, 28 are in stock and 3 is on special order” 28+3=31…

I must say that I really like that Elektron are not bounding their releases to fairs. I think they have a big enough following to release stuff when they feel like it. It’s a much better practice imo since it most probably will end up in products being more stable upon release

There is a Monomachine as well.