Get ready…

I feel like it’ll be a digital drum machine.

I agree, I think a digital drum machine is fitting a pretty decent sized gap in the current market.



Or in swedish Model:Mihkst

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That seems logical, considering the Digistrike trademark.

I just looked the trademark up on the Swedish PRV database, and it said:

Synthesizers; Elektroniska synthesizers; Elektroniska trummor; Robottrummor; Trummor [musikinstrument]; Trummaskiner; Elektroniska musikinstrument; Mekaniska, elektriska och elektroniska musikinstrument; Datorstyrda musikinstrument; Elektroniska musikapparater och -instrument; Musikinstrument styrda av mikroprocessorer.

I don’t speak Swedish, but it seems that the “digital drum machine” theory is the most likely hypothesis based on that information.

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If it’s got strike in the name it would logically have big old pads, you know, for striking.

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Agreed. Six voice digital drum machine with pads, almost the same layout as samples, choose machines instead of samples, voila. Take my money :hugs:


everyone’s saying models: but can the current display really have enough real estate for synthesis?

digidrum might be more practical.

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agreed :wave::money_with_wings:

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I’m still calling it as “Digistrike” not “Digidrum” (most likely) because there is no “Digidrum” trademark registered.

Could be a good time to buy a used Rytm then lol
Man, I would consider offloading my Rytm for something like that :thinking:



I bet it’s not hardware at all but a bunch of wee plugins for manipulating the existing gear via Overbridge. Euclidean rythms, arps, etc.


Could be nice, with added features (sample layers for added dynamic analog feel) to trigger by CV and use as the Brain for an electronic kit? (+8 voice minimal)

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Anyone with an MD or MnM know if a ‘+’ sign like the teaser was used for one of the machines?


No no, as in a symbol on the interface to show a certain machine is being used

Listen carefully to the reverb in the last snippet. Does that sound like any Elektron reverb you’ve heard so far? Sounds more like a shimmer reverb to me… Not sure if that means anything.

Also, do you think Elektron would ever make a loop station type device?


Maybe, re the looper. OT’s pickup machines use ‘+’ when recording

Could it be a Model:Grooves or a Model:Beats ?

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Or Model:Drums. All of them work