Get ready…

This is how the world ends: not with a bang, but with a DigiDoot


It’s a relic of Aphex Twins toenail clippings. We have to pay 20euro a view in Berlin


Down with the digidoot

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Me as well. Its just sad because those old machines had a very distinct sound. Digitone while being a nice little box was lacking that for me.

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Ok ok ok , figured it out. It’s a raffle to go on holiday with Cenk


I think there may be more clues when you layer up the teasers visually. It seems the first two especially interact in ways that suggest the mixer option has legs or at least one box with interacting machines.

Look at how as the hand squeezes in the tears start, and how the hand seems to wipe across the eyes. Today’s one is less so, but the hand does to seem to tickle the creature under the chin before setting off the loop again.


How I learned to stop worrying and love the Digidoot


Life is digidoot

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“Layering” is the clue


Time for one more teaser. Perhaps first two vids relate to one machine. 3rd and tomorrows will Be another?

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Hope so. Really wishing this is an MX-1 on Elektron steriods with a crazy live performance related song mode that redefines the term song mode away from the spreadsheet pattern chaining past into a constant evolving organic jam with different rhythmic and textural machines interacting and changing the song structure. Probably just a Model drums though! But as a recent M:S convert, I’d be happy either way.


Yeah if one of the new ones sync up with say the finger pointing or pressing that will be great. I’ll layer them up when they arrive.

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good one!

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The invitation says 'Meet the Machines", like they’re all on display and playing together nicely???
(Waiting for the master conductor to drive it and swoon the audience with this new perfected contemporary masterpiece of sonic blissfulness)

Me, I’m just here (over)sharing my excitement about Elektron who is about to release some wonderful new piece of gear i will probably want really bad, i’d kill for, and already has me looking up and down the house for things that i can sell.

These teasers just spark imagination. Like the itch to invent and improve. (e.g. in my own humble setup/workflow)
What it all comes down to in the end: ‘creation’ instead of ‘boxing’, dont hold back!

The three teases layered


remembered me:

btw: i have to grab some cookies :slight_smile:


new monomachine

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the machines…they’re…they’re telling a story here…:thinking:

I think it would be really cool if they took all of the MD and MNM machines (every single one of them) and put them in a M:S box.

So basically you have all these machines which you can freely assign to 6 tracks.

I do think this makes more sense in digi format though, but I really want a drum machine in M:S format…

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