Get ready…

Definitely helps , I try and organise my modular as an instrument instead of many modules. But I like getting into the details too. Which is a merit and a con at the same time. The immediacy of the machine definitely makes it productive and fun!

Don’t get me wrong, I was hoping for a Flagship Device too. But everything is pointing at a Model companion.

Not so sure yet. But we will find out soon!

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Does anyone agree that whatever this turns out to be, it sounds amazing so far?


Has a lot of potential

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Made this in inkscape today lol. please don’t think this is real because of how expertly crafted the graphics are :sweat_smile: and of course I’m not trying to pretend this is official, I have nothing to do with Elektron other than loving their gear. /peace :slight_smile:


and by the way I have NOT thought out how it would deal with having 16 tracks plus MIDI and some other weird things.

Using our BRAINS will extend our LIFE.


quod erat demonstrandum

Petty Techno




One more rant and I’ve got an album.



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Tyree Cooper

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I have to say, Im having trouble seeing the logic in the argument against overlapping features, competing against themselves, or so called cannibalizing. In the old world you know Coke and Pepsi was the same thing, because you know, if they didnt sell a Coke they would sell a Pepsi in stead. Educate me if nowadays companies big and small after having learned from such experiences deem it better to just sell one thing, rather than two.

Vid 4: Looks like a mouth opening and closing before exploding? Compressor/Limiter, Maximizer Bitcrusher??? SCW Wavefolding/shaping ??? Those boxes moving around: snapshots/variations of parameter settings that can be instantly recalled through parameter lock (TRIGs) or by LFO???


Watched Cenk’s MnM product presentation on YouTube again to thicken the nostalgia and personal craving for the Monomachine (and SIDstation!) (

*80% of the people here hope for the return of the MonoMachine in some form or way (as i mentioned myself included as i totally missed out while being kept occupied with other shit), be it for the nostalgic MOS chip emulation, various synthesis methods, wavetabe stuff or adorned EFX

I guess the layout of the MnM SFX60 MKII also logically resembles the evolved minimal DigiBox design format in many ways? (Those ‘cheaper’ Elektron gateway drug products to eventually buying the bigger ‘pricey’ machines like OT) Some elektronauts affectionately pointed out the DT and DN where both in some way offspring of the MnM. I condoned to the notion as well as to being a NOOB.

(about the ‘old’ presentation vid)
I hear the number ‘6’ a lot (as it is supposed to mean something, reading some of the wild speculations going round?)

  • 6 tracks digital synth
  • 6 delay engines
  • 6 parametric EQs
  • 6 sample rate reducers
  • (each track 3 LFOs)
  • Each of the tracks can either host a ‘machine’ … a synth or effect that can act as a send unit
    etc (lots more lovely stuff)

I personally would like it to be the MonoMachine SFX60 split into 2 parts being:
1 - The Monomachine (sound generator part) + optional multiple physical track outputs
2- The monomachine SFX part like a mixer of sorts (the fx unit ++) with added features (loop station/FX unit) multiple inputs to apply FX to the external HW stuff connected (layering/sounddesign)

and maybe…
3 - Some Master Clock Song/Sequenser box to tame all the connected HW stuff + double up as a midicontroller (controlling CC parameters of individual machines in a sequenser TRIG style mode) (faders/monitoring would be nice to transition parts)

Okay, okay, i’ll STFU with my personal ramblings and whining and wait untill the actual Elektron presentation!

Whatever it is i will probably like it and will most certainly find its way to the top of my ever expanding audio gear wishlist!

*these % numbers are not based on any scientific nor extensive study or survey, but purely fictional for entertainment purposes.


I have an OT , i want it in a mixer format, meaning, that there is a level display, which is clearly readable, a play indicator, a record button, a hands on remix station, which is easy to control with additional LED showing the status of the box, not small dots in the LCD screen. The device should have the same depth as the OT, and ideally have one or more digitone like internal tracks. (which could be resampled.) In my dreams, its a hybrid of A&H Xone96 with internal OT + FX. Its fader should also be mapable like the OT - so yes its OT MK3.


I prefer hands-on menu diving


This is for 6 Operators

It is also said the DT keys would weigh approximately 6 Kilograms