Get ready…

Come now, Im sure one personality might like and use all of them. But off course, they kind of have to be for different brains.


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I’m on number 2 MKII and hopefully will keep this one. What gets me is you don’t sample for 2 weeks and have to spend an hour figuring out how to do it again :slight_smile:


What about an OT update, which enables a wavetable machine :grinning: Isn‘t everything about wavetables those days?


LOL, don’t ever buy an OT, then, my friend! Talk about need for continuing education.

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You really don’t need to update the OS to do wavetable stuff.

Despite being afraid it was a dud for the first hour I had it, M:S has quickly become the machine I reach for most frequently when I just need to jot an idea down. It’s just so stupidly quick and easy to use. Plus the distortion algorithm is perfectly suited for a nice tuned 808-style sub, so it’s a keeper for me


Polyphonic of course :slightly_smiling_face:

you guys gonna sell me model :samples , looks like a fun machine for adding fast extra layers or straight forward tr-tipe drum sounds and staff… and i didnt like it at first :slight_smile: but i always liked the sound of it :wink: whatever they do, if digital, use this converters! DT sounds great too…


Please upgrade for OT :crazy_face:





If the past promos are anything to go by, I don’t think the videos have any clues to be worked out, but it’s fun to read the runes, so…

To me the notable bit of each video is the ‘screen’ that each creature has in it somewhere - the mouth on 1,2, 4, and the eyes on 3. In the context of the ‘fleshy’ material bodies, this block is clearly digital and electronic.

Could the mouth be the ‘voice’ of each creature? Is a creature a ‘machine’? What would it mean that machines 1, 2 and 4 have digital voices, but 4 has digital eyes?

Perhaps each of the creatures’ shapes is the rough outline of the logo for each machine?

Is the fact that each is a ‘physical’ clay model, a hint at physical modelling?

Do we have any lip readers on the forum? 2 seems to mouth ‘I love you’.

1 seems to bite or speak, which uses up a charge of energy which depletes it and it then recharges. The video in the mouth goes halfway then full again, reminiscent of a battery power bar - a hint that this is a model: box with its battery pack?

And what of the containing boxes? 1 has none, 2 spins and one appears, 3 seems to have a flash of energy through its body and the box appears from it, 4 has four around it, which collapse into one, at which point the creature explodes! What’s going on here? Could this be a representation of additive synthesis? Of wavefolding? Of FM operators and their interactions?

Or is it all just pretty shapes to go with fun sounds?


Where did you get the leak?!

The real question is, how much does the artist know about the new product? Does he/she have a unit? Did an Elektron representative sit down and explain the machines methods/purpose/inspiration with the artist so that the artist could embed these little meanings into his or her work?

I like your interpretation though


I like to imagine the convo went something like:

‘We need a series of 30 second clips’

‘Okay do you have a brief? Shall I try to feature the product, or give hints?’

‘Naaaah. It’s too much fun watching the forums pretend they can see tigers and battleships in the passing clouds. Go wild, make it properly weird.’

‘Sure thing!’


Yeah, they probably just gave them the audio clips and then the artist created the videos for them


Yes, Digitakt randomly freezes, doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. I’m not sure finding steps to reproduce would help in any case, as it takes literally months to get a generic reply from support. All we can do is wait and keep updating to the latest beta. Fun!

was down at the local music shop, all elektrons save for DN keys, M:S, and the old AK they have in the corner have disappeared!

seems fishy

It looks like it might be model color scheme.

Posted something similar here and someone replied with a cuckoo sc with a blurred out image that appears to be model colors.

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