Get ready…

The M:S ones were spot on looking back. All the symbols are included in the interface. It just threw us all for a loop because we didn’t expect a new form factor

Edit: The DNK promos were pure surrealism tho, so who the hells knows anymore haha


I just sold my Analog Heat in order to buy a Digitone. I’ll wait for the new product release, but I don’t think I’ll change my mind.

My guess is it’s a Model thing with drum/synth machines, using FM and more. Maybe 2 products. My previous guess was a Model :Tone. I’d be much more interested in a DT/DN size format. 4 reminds DN’s 4 tracks, but that seems limited for machines.

I don’t understand why it would be an Octatrack like thing from the teasers.


If it’s a Model : FM?

Was it “Before Long…” that was the Analog Heat teaser?

That one sure threw us all for a loop.


I hope the new device does NOT support OB. A steady standalone proper new big Elektron box would be nice with no resources wasted on OB development. I also hope it’s not MK 3 of anything existing, not Digi form factor, and please not Model: Something. Might be too much to ask though…

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Before my time on here, sorry, so I don’t know. M:S was my first taste of the promos


Haven’t you just ruled out all possible boxes? No mk3s, no OB enabled Digis or Analogs and no Models. Unless you were joking. I don’t know anymore haha

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Model:FM/Operators is a great guess, but this really seems to be percussion focused.

Digitone has great Drums/Percussions


It really does. So a streamlined FM based Model drum thingy is definitely possible

I’m aware. But digitone is also a melody machine. This is clearly not the case here. There has been only percussion clicks and pops so far.


If I remember well, the release delay after the first Digitakt teaser was pretty long! DNK probably the shortest! :smile:

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Ah, well here you go…

Imagine hearing all this stuff and trying to guess “Analog Heat”, when Elektron had never done a standalone FX box to date.

We were all certain it was a looper. :man_facepalming:


to the people not stoked about the possibility of it being a model: ,you’re forgetting the portability aspect of it perhaps.
That’s an overlooked factor that might tip the scale back to happy thoughts* :fairy:


Digitakt wasn’t long at all. Just a photo right before 2017 NAMM.

Digitone was the shortest. They casually teased that something was coming on the forum but they didn’t officially tease until right before NAMM

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I kind of doubt it will be a model line of unit still… especially given the heavily hinted at machine based work flow. But maybe they found a way to make a knob per-function that works with minimal screen usage between multiple machine types but it seems like the functions of the knobs would be too varied for it to be a good workflow.

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I seem to remember a certain @AdamJay that correctly guessed the Heat


Oh wow. Thanks! I mean that violin is distorted af to be fair. Idiots, the lot of you, should’ve known better, tsk tsk :slightly_smiling_face:

I was throwing a lot of darts.

One stuck.

Just like a broken clock tells correct time twice a day.

edit: I guess you threw a few more darts than I did, @Ryan



It would have been to easy to guess if the first teasers were typical FM sounds.

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