Good drone VSTs?

I d’like to have a sound source similar to the Dreadbox Antiphon with lots of oscillator,
individual pitch parameters for making harsh drone textures.
Possibly at 64 bit for Windows.

Use Ableton? Make one? Abletons resonator and or Operator can be mega tweaked. Run through a stack of effects etc. Done.

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Shed Loads of Oscillators? :slight_smile:


Cool, i forgot how resonators are good in ableton… Will give it a try

Id put it in a rack with overdrive, saturator, chorus, some delays more overdrive, a reverb wouldnt hurt and limiter on the end of the chain. Map some macros, map those macros to a midi controller and off you go. Have fun!

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I’ve got some fx plugins from glitchmachines that might give great results…

Reaktor, Absynth are the kings of this. Zebra is pretty good too. Stuff with MSEGs and FM+VA+Multiple filters.

or this, it’s free


Stack a bunch of macros together in Reaktor. You get the best drony results if you don’t know what you’re doing :slight_smile:

Also, an iPad with several synths/samplers producing sustained notes at the same time is pretty good for this too. You just keep adding oscillators until your iPad can’t handle it anymore. It’s even better with the AUM mixer and a couple of (free) effects


I’ve been having a lot of fun with Hainbach’s / sonicLAB’s new Fundamental plugin; a VST that models an old test equipment oscillator.


Forgot this one, new, Unfiltered Audio Lion

Similar to Absynth, in some ways. It’s got all the FX from Biome and the modulators. FM/VA/More.

All sorts of FX, Granular, Resonators, Comps, Eq, Distortion, Saturation, loads of really good reverbs, some that are just for huuuuge verbs too.


If you have Reaktor you can go to the user patch page on Reaktor’s website. You’ll find a lot of options for exactly what you’re looking for. Soundtoys has a filter that self oscillates like a hardware one does. Just stack a bunch of instances of that. Or, just stack a bunch of sine waves at very close frequencies. Drone for days.


Abletons Operator with the parallel algorithm (this one 20200718_134311 ) would indeed be a good start.
Stack a few in an instrument rack.


Yup, came to say this. Too bad that sale just ended.

+1 And more specifically, anything made by OreKore. The interfaces are beautiful, and the sounds are dramatic. Search for “Aralsk”, “Gruinard”, “Kantubek”, “KoaX”, “Kursk”, “Porton Down”, “Unit_4”.


yeah, i recall the good old Metaphysical Function which was a milestone for drone/noises some years ago; but after using it extensively it became a bit limited due to its 2 oscillators. Will look at that user library too!

Wtf! These two are astonishing and ethereal, exactly what i was looking for !

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Depending on what you mean by “harsh” you may also be interested in a couple of reaktor fx ensembles. I will warn in advance that some of the design choices, while faithful to the hardware on which they are based, could be considered offensive (even though I think they are just intended to shock) but for those of us who just care about the “tone” the Metasonix TM7 and the AF-150 can make any synth drone harsher. (much more)

I actually mean lots of things about “harsh”… Let’s say something similar to the soundtrack of “Enter the void”.

I am using some plugin from Glitchmachines; Subvert and Scope overall. The first is very useful and have different FXs inside from distortion to flanger and ring modulation all inside a tool.
Scope is good for creating layers/harmonics from the incoming signal.

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Thanks. I’ll check those out. I use their “Fracture” quiet a bit for messing up stuff.

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I bought this aswell but it refuses to work in Ableton. Lovely in standalone from my brief noodlings.