Good looking mic? / vegetables

What’s a good looking mic that sounds good for people who might not want to talk to you?

Context plz


Ok, so you’re talking to someone; it’s going alright, and at some point you present a mic and say hey, do you mind if I record this? and although they may not the look of the mic may make them think no…no…I do not…mind…

Oh and $150 or under…

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Your phone


everyone talked to letterman.


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I think the look of the recorder is more important! And I was thinking “your phone” as well. People are really used to phones. If not that, then there are lots of really good mics that are tiny, have one set up, and pull out a modest recorder (like your phone).

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Yea, but I feel the opposite… an actual mic like a video camera for me creates a feeling that the person isn’t just making something off the cuff for social media + that means I would have to buy a smart phone.

alright let’s reformat the context. do you need this for court? will you make the recording public? is this a fetish thing? we need more info to take it seriously. I know you’re being earnest but this is a context based thing. why are you recording, why don’t they want to be recorded. is it so you can use it against them if they renig? are you a fan with a blog? whats the context at least vaugely


A phone is the most non invasive choice for audio and video as people have a familiarity and just seems normal to them.

But if thats a no no then the zoom f2 is something non offensive and easy to clip on

But it’s not about your feelings, it’s about their feelings.


Hopefullu no.


Could be but no.

Beats me…but maybe this is my first mistake, assuming that they don’t while they very well might.

I have no malintent but likely misguided intent.

More like a blog run through a fan.

I guess it’s not all that much different than how I view a forum. I wish to speak with people about whatever and have a record of the conversation however banal it might be.

Tell that to a solipsist!

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You need consent verbal or written to record someone, you have to secure it before it begins. That’s the law my friend. As far as the mic, do you want to appear professional or like a stalker? a phone may make you appear to be a stalker, a recorder and mic may make you unapproachable. I’m still unclear of the overall context of the need for recordings but I understand your desire is more as a curator than having a specific purpose in mind. I think this plan needs more thought than the cost of the mic.


Cheap as chips, and comes with analog echo! Also it’s bound to be unique in a podcast setting.


So, Letterman for example, had people sign a waiver before he talked to them at the McDonald’s drive-in?

I’m sorry, but this is suspect to me.

Dude, seriously, if you’re ever just “talking” to me, and suddenly ask that question and stick a mic in my face, without pretense… Conversation over! I don’t care what kind of mic it is.

Good luck with that.


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yes. everyone signed the waiver. mujibur, sirijul, everyone.

cbs legal is like the good old boys mixed with the mod squad.

Even a Roda?

I’m amazed you actually remembered the names.

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Honestly, kid, what’s most concerning to me is how you don’t seem to get how creepy all this sounds. Again, I say, not a chance I’d talk to you under those circumstances.


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