Help me decide what to play at my next gig

When I say gig, I mean 15 minute open mic, but I’ve got a gig next week and I’m a bit torn about what to play, so I’m asking you fuckers to choose. The crowd will be mostly comprised of other electronic musicians and is usually super supportive and open minded

Option 1 - Lyra noise terror

This is the self-indulgent, “but it’s my art, darling” option. I’m happiest and most comfortable making this sort of stuff, but I’m also very aware that, for a lot of people, it’s bloody awful and not much fun at all.

Option two - Acid Techno laptop

This is the slightly less in your face option. I still enjoy performing this sort of stuff, but I wouldn’t necessarily describe it as my happy place in the same way as making a terrible noise, but it is nice to try and get people moving more than just their fingers into their ears.

Genuinely torn, so I’ll leave it up to yous.

Choose my act
  • Lyra noise terror
  • Acid techno laptop

0 voters

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Option 3: Accordion!


I say make the noise you want to but you could mix the two styles


This has been my goal since the beginning, but I’m still not there…

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Play the one you most want to share with the people in the crowd you feel the closest connection to.

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Well I’ll be taking my best mate and he hates my noise stuff.

Which is obviously all the more reason to play the noise stuff.


Altho being monophonic and limited in its sonic range, I’ve found ‘playing’ the armpit a great crowd pleaser.


People have a hard enough time with the smell of my armpits, let alone the sound of them.

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[x] C

Build up the acid and bring the terror on the drop!

granted I don’t go as heavy on the distortion to you but that’s one of my go to structures


I pretend for a moment it will be my place where the open mic will take place.

As I can understand that option 1 is very tempting for you , I would think the sound system just broke, or that you are breaking it on purpose. It would be the last session for you in my place.

Option two is more “main stream”, but sounds really awesome actually. If you would play this I would definitively enjoy that. I might even ask you back :wink:

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There, you got my vote.


And on a slightly more serious tip: give them something to remember, give them the unexpected.

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A transition from one to the other? 15min seems like a good duration for an acid descent into doom kind of jam.


…15 minute slot ?..

i’d say, dare to shock…

and why not using both…?..hit play on ur laptop, turn to ur soma and start talking to whales on top of all the acid…

hit hard stop after 15 minutes and just leave while all ur noise still shatters away in a big cloud of reverb…


Once I get my polivoks back, the plan will be exactly this, but I’m still in the early stages of working with my laptop and I’m not super confident yet, so I’m trying to keep things as simple as possible for the first couple of gigs to avoid fucking things up.

This time next year though rodders…


Sounds like you’re more comfortable with the Lyra. Though, 15 mins is the perfect amount of time to try something new you aren’t comfortable with yet.


I voted laptop but on second thoughts I think Lyra. Do what you prefer. As others have said, why don’t you set the laptop playing some drums and just accompany them?

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exactly. If it was 2hrs then well… but “15 minutes of noise” should be something people can cope with. Almost sounds like something a doctor might give you on perscription. “take 15 minutes of noise daily”