Help with a minimal techno set-up for jamming & production

After tinkering for the last year with a DT and AK, I’ve just picked up a Volca Drums and am looking to produce some techno. I’ve got background in hobbyist Ableton production and Traktor DJing. I’ve learned a lot from this forum so far, and I’m hoping someone can give a bit more specific advice on my situation.

My setup

DT has midi out to AK and VD (via the AK thru). The DT is sequencing the VD, and sending program changes to the AK.
DT, AK and VD all have stereo out to a mixer with 8 mono inputs (so using 6 tracks), which has stereo main out.

Use cases

For jamming/performing, I want to minimise interaction with a DAW, as I find it a distraction from just playing music. I’m going to ignore the need for EQ & Compression on the main mix as, for now, I want to focus on the sound and level of each track.

For production, I plan to multitrack the DT and AK audio via Overbridge in Ableton, and then record each track of the VD separately so that I can do a basic mix down in the DAW.


  1. I would like to be able to have easy access to track levels (and perhaps filter/FX) when jamming. Which midi controller would you recommend, considering that I could be working with up to 16 tracks? I’m currently considering EC-4, UC-4, Novation Launch Control XL, Akai Midimix, Behringer BCR2000.
  2. Is there a better way to record the VD instead of having to record the 6 tracks separately for each song? (I also have a Focusrite 2i4 if that could help somehow)
  3. Is there anything I can do with my setup now to makes things easier later?

Thanks in advance - let me know if there’s any other info I can provide!

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  1. You could feed the stereo out of the Volca drum into the Digitakt ext inputs, then just record the Digitakt stereo output or use overbridge if you want separate tracks.

  2. Does AK have external input? if so, personally I would put volca drum -> AK ext input, then put AK output -> DT -> record stereo out. Then just jam away and record, afterward edit the good bits together in Ableton, you loose the ability to edit each individual track later on, but it speeds up the process no end. Plus doing this way will improve your jamming skills, just get the levels correct at the beginning.

Good luck!


I use DT and A4, for levels/filters on A4, you can use the mixer in the Perf mode for level, or set up Perf macros for filters etc on one or more tracks. You can also use master int/external mixer in DT for this and control all for filters etc.
If you don’t want to buy another controller that is!
For the VD, you could get a mix you like on the unit then run it into the input of the A4 or DT and record it with OB that way - you wouldn’t have stems but depends if you really need them.

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AK does indeed have external input. I had the mixer lying around so didn’t even think to route the VD via the AK. Will give that a go tonight and see - would be great to remove the mixer! I would like to have individual control of each track but I do like the idea of just getting things recorded and limiting how much I could tinker with them.

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If You do go VD -> AK -> Digitakt -> then USB out of DT straight your phone and record it there, then transfer to computer later. It’s a great way to jam and have fun and then just edit later and listen back with fresh ears. It increases productivity and enjoyment for me, and quite a few others do it this way too.

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Good point - I’ve not really used Perf mode too much yet. I guess I should at least see how far I get with that before buying some else. Only thing then would be the levels on the VD are not easy to adjust mid-jam as each track shares a level knob with hard take-over.
As for the stems, I’m kind of split. @kryten42 is also just suggesting to ditch the multi-tracking for the DT/AK, but then I’m scared of recording something I like but I’ve made mistakes which could easily be corrected.

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oo I like the simplicity, but yeah just scared of making a mistake which could have been easily fixable… maybe I’m being irrational.


yeah i know the feeling, would rather have everything as stems so can mix it later if possible, you could record them into something like Bluebox maybe then import to DAW as seperates later if you want to avoid DAW recording all inputs directly.

A4 Perf mode is super powerful - one of the best features - wish the DT had it!

So Perf Mode allows you to set up macros to control multiple parameters with 1 knob? Got any advice on how to use that creatively? I can imagine it’s very easy to go over the top with it!
I’m surprised it’s not on the DT…

Just realised I could also just control levels of VD tracks with DT as well

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What about using one of the DTs inputs for VD, one for AK (i.e. going mono). With that you’d have each track separately on the digitakt USB out, no?

yep ! for each macro, you can add i think 5 or 6 parameters, then control them with one knob. It works across tracks as well for each macro. then once you have set them up, you can rename them and use them all from one screen.

Simple use would be to set each one to filter cutoff freq for each track, then you can use one knob to sweep all the filters on each track, but you can also do things like detuning oscillators, changing waveshapes, lfo speeds, reverb sends etc. Great for jamming!

They are saved as part of the kit, so save kit when you’ve set them up, then they will be there for the next jam.

Nice, will give that a go next then. Thanks :slight_smile:

Is it as simple as connecting my (android) phone to the digitakt with a cable like this?

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I was going to suggest that if you aren’t already, you sequence your VD via your DT. You get eight CC’s you can control per track (including level if you like, for much easier mixing) using PLocks or an LFO, and muting is really easy both manually or automated in song mode.

Do you always use all of your AK tracks? If you don’t, you could also dedicate one of its tracks as a filter bank for your VD.

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Yep I am sequencing/muting the VD tracks with the DT, and modulating - just completely forgot about controlling levels :man_facepalming:

Only when I’m doing polyphonic stuff, but even then it’s usually only 3. Then I can also fold that into the AK’s Perf mode. Great idea, thanks!
Controls for the same box in 3 different places though, that muscle memory is gonna take some practice…

Looks like the right cable. I use iPhone and use similar cable (type-b -> lightening). As long as your phone is audio class compliant then it will work, essentially just the same as plugging in a USB mic.

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Seems like it doesn’t work :frowning: guess my phone isn’t class compliant!

Can you send notes to all VD tracks from one MIDI Channel? Reading this thread has made me want one :joy:

Yep, with its ‘Single Channel Mode’. I’m just using 1 channel per track as I don’t have any other midi gear so I’m not sure if it works well or not (I’ve seen some threads about it being a bit buggy but :man_shrugging:)

(Each track is called a ‘Part’ in VD land)

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