Hi, im ylva and im making a youtube album using mainly elektron boxes

been an observer since a while now but i starting to feel that im ready to join the party!
heres one of my recent stuff using the OT and the DTN


I really love your gloves.
Kidding, your sound is pretty cool, keep updating this thread with your new tracks :slight_smile:


thank you so much!
here is another one from last week, im using the teensy to send 4 x modulation wheel to the DTN (via raspberry pi since the din input was occupied by the OT) and fake the performance mode that i miss so much


That is pretty fucking cool!
Who is on drums, DN or OT? And I too really dig those gloves…
Keep em coming!

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thank you! i made 5 so far, the OT is doing te drums / samples and the dtn the melodic parts

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love the melodix in that one :ok_hand:t3:

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These are exceptionally good



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Good stuff!

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excellent showcase of the OT and DN, well done

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yes very nice! subbed

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Very cool!

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Love it! Keep them coming.

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thank you all so much for the super encouraging responses, it travels a long way! did not see this one coming…
here is another one i did with the OT alone


Exceptional work! Love the vocal samples and melodies. Beautiful and moving, really hit me in the feels on “The Ballad of the Lonesome Influencer”

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