Hi, im ylva and im making a youtube album using mainly elektron boxes

Some people take on certain things easier than others, but it still takes hard work to hone the skills, talent or not. I wouldn’t say there isn’t talent but there is always hard (Or diligent practice maybe?) work involved

Oh, for sure! it always takes hard work to hone a craft. Its whats you do with the talent that counts. Lots of incredibly talented people are extremely lazy with their talent and it atrophies. Im just saying that i firmly believe in talent as a “thing” that people either have or dont have, but that doesnt mean that through hard work and dilligent practice that both sets of folks cant arrive at the same point.
Talent is a thing though.


Yep, pretty much what I was saying too :wink:


Wow sounds amazing!!

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hello everyone, i’m excited to share my first full length album titled “the youth”
it was a long process that started in the beginning of the year, i seriously thought about ditching it so many times, lockdown has been hard and news from around the world have made me doubt the place of art in general (yes yes i know its bullshit and its always relevant) but sitting at home and making music while the world is literally burning down can feel very weird sometimes. anyways im very happy i did it in the end. if there is something that def motivated me is the support of the forum members around <3

most of the album was made using the octatrack, digitone, blofeld and qy70, where as the OT is the main instrument / sequencer. in the next weeks ill post videos of the tracks starting with “Celest” in which i actually used the OT in arranger mode for the first time because the nature of this track made it too complicated to switch patterns manually and i really wanted to evolve the sounds live and do some mangling using the fader

listen / get the full album here:


Lovely as always. Feelin’ the ambient samples and liquid D&B/footwork influence… Marsh Harbour Nebula and Colimentar are my faves atm.


thank you @DonovanDwyer, i fell in love with ambience recordings lately

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Those FM flute sounds are excellent!!! Love everything you put out!

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Your music is so inspirational and diverse! Into the light is so brilliant.

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absolutely killer, as always. Album purchased!

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@AlmaxMere @Cosmic @ViolentMeals thank you so much for the words and the support :black_heart:


Really love Columnar Monument!
80’s vibes are all over this record.
Puts me in a weird mood.

I still listen to “the ballad of the lonesome influencer” and “sb stole my shoes plz give it back” [YT versions] quite a lot, they keep on rhythming my week, so to speak ^^



@LyingDalai thank you dearly for listening and supporting! the columnar moment was the first track that happend, kinda by accident when i was toying around with the mellow chord progression before i was even sure that i wanna make a full length album. so i made the whole album around this track, and its also my fav actually


Excellent album.


@Fin25 :black_heart: thanks for the words and the support


but he is just telling the truth. It’s brilliant!

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Fantastic @ylva

The run off tracks from Saona Sunset to Afloat at the end are really rather brilliant. I mean, the whole thing is, but that last half/third I especially enjoyed.


@PekeDorty oh my, thank you <3

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@J0n35y thanks for listening and supporting! :black_heart: its actually my fav part as well, or better phrased, the one i enjoyed putting together the most

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What does the vocal on The Columnar Moment? I’m guessing it’s a text-to-speech program, but the voice sounds so much like Helen Marnie from Ladytron.