Hi, im ylva and im making a youtube album using mainly elektron boxes

Great vocal treatments, drum programming and performance on these videos, very impressive.

Also, can you explain the implementation of the teensy to do 4x modulation? Great idea.

thank you very much. the teensy is running a simple code - reading the pot and sending 4xCC1 on ch. 1-4 to the usb midi port. the teensy and the DTN are both connected to a raspberry pi (not in the picture) which acts as a usb midi thru. one could do the same for vel / AT / BC /PB and have a pretty extensive performance section (with real pots, ha!)
maybe there are midi controllers in the market that allow to send CCs on omni ch out, could be an alternative

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this one is definitely my favorite, but they’re all really good. love the gloves and visuals too, by the way. :slight_smile:

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Nice work @ylva… These sound great!
This is probably the most polished/finished track sounding tunes I’ve heard coming out of an OT. You didn’t let the OT get the better of you and take you into full mutant warp zone, but you still let it do its thing. :grin: The sound quality sounds really good, are you using any OT eq’s or spatializer? Master track?

I absolutely love this one. That lead is going to be stuck in my head and I am completely fine with that. Beautiful!

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thank you! i actually use the onboard compressor on the master, i find it being pretty decent when subtly mixed with the dry signal, i also use the eq alot, and an out of the box limiter. i really like the oldschool OT plate for drums


That is brilliant. I could see that just adding a second pot (routed to AT maybe) you could have a super powerful performance mode where each track has different routing matrix… really need to look into this.

totally. its funny how performace mode is almost there but not really. at the beginning i really wished that there will be a future firmware update with this feature but im realzing more and more how much i appriciate potentiometers in a very encoder dominated workflow

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Right… easy to know where zero is.

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just updating with the latest, i had some fun doing midi loopback with the OT and using one of the midi tracks to sequence scene changes (2-3 min in)


just another update, this one is featuring the OT and my dusty QY70, OT does bassdrum, vox and textures, the QY does bass, pads, percussion and (sort of) tuned toms - all sequenced from the OT, i also experiment with live resampling of the QY input around 2 min in


QY holding it’s own!

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still in awe of how capable the qy is, it has been collecting dust for a long while now till recently!

found your channel this morning - love it. Genuinely great.


time to hang up my gloves for a while, im taking a break from being me - but before that, i did this 4
track videoed EP featuring the OT / DT /DTN

ill be back tho! <3


Don’t be away too long, this shit is good, I need more.


Oh my! :ok_hand:t3:
Where can I buy the album?

Inspired Cohen and jazz hands :slight_smile:

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thank you! not sellin :slight_smile: easiest would be to use y2mate.com or smth and just download it from youtube

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Perhaps you should think of a distribution avenue.
It might pay for a coffee or two.


thought i would add this one here, just in case :smiley_cat: some of you might already know about it, others maybe not

edit: enjoyed your tracks @ylva waiting for some more :notes: :control_knobs:

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