Holiday Culinary Gluttony

What’s everyone planning on cooking this holiday weekend? I’m a pescatarian (hate that term) so I bought some grey sole which I think I will make a sort of rollatini type thing with a crayfish sauce, something savory with this pumpkin I grew (some NZ variety which name I forgot) and a puntarella salad…not sure what else yet.

Digitakt is in the photo for scale.


Winter storm happening here so I am not leaving the house from Thurs evening to Mon morning, and I’m alone right now.

Tonight was Thai Massaman curry with shrimp and eggplant. It’s normally made with beef and potato, but dammit, I wanted shrimp and eggplant!

In the next couple of days, mushroom risotto, and Korean spicy pork (jeyuk bokkeum). Possibly a mini-lasagne made in a small loaf pan. And at some point, my favourite dessert and comfort food from childhood, sheera, made with roasted semolina, saffron, and cardamom.


Steak. Mariano’s in Chicago has a sale on rib roast. I cut them up into steaks.

I know it looks weird, but it’s been there for about a week. I prefer my meat aged. I like to let it get nice and funky then I fry it in peanut oil and brown butter. So good. It’s going in the pan tomorrow.


Crockpot with Italian meatballs, deep dish pizza and dark chocolate for dessert.

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Currently isolating with covid. Got a few of these in the fridge:


We are doing it backwards. And near-vegan because that’s how we roll: tomorrow is ma po tofu, Sichuan green beans and rice; Sunday is grilled tempeh, roasted Brussels sprouts, chipotle sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie.


Us too, it’s my first time. Good luck and hope you feel better!!

I’m on the bright side but my wife just popped hot yesterday. Neither of us can leave but I did score two tiny French rack of lamb. Delivered to the door step. It’ll be one to remember.

Christmas Eve I’ll make that sausage peppers I had bought and planned last Saturday before it all went to hell.


I have a feeling it’s gonna come out pretty much the way it went in.


We’re doing the usual turkey thing but my wife also ordered a pig head from butcher :pig: It won’t fit in the fridge, so it’s out in the garden in a BBQ for storage. Hopefully, the local wildlife hasn’t been able to get into the BBQ :grinning:

Gluttony is fitting.

We’re having pinnekjøtt, pork ribs with brown sauce, pork patties, red cabbage potatoes and lots and lots of desserts :yum:

pictures of the two dishes we’re having tonight:


Vegan cheese platter with different kinds of crackers,
Three different traditional Finnish christmas casseroles, but in modern vegan variation,
Seitan slices to mimic the pork roast
”Smoked salmon” made out of carrots
Maybe we’ll make some kind of creamy vegan gravy
I also bought a couple of good very dark christmassy beers for myself.

Can’t wait for the sun to set which is going to happen at around 15 o’clock here in Finland. Then I’m gonna eat myself senseless.

Went vegetarian in 1995 in smalltown Finland, went vegan 2 years ago. It’s amazing how much things have progressed in 25-30 years for us plant based eaters. In the 90s there was basically nothing. Now shops are filled with all kinds of lovely vegetarian/vegan options.


Fully intend to eat my body weight in mince pies with cream


Possibly Carne Asada today and soul food on Sunday.

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Flame grilled salmon tonight.

I feel you. I went vegetarian in 1991 in a decent sized US city but then moved to a small town for grad school in 1993. The “vegetarian restaurant” was the classic “undercooked lentils with too much cumin” situation. It’s come a long way.

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My little brother and I will hit Jade Garden in Chinatown tonight and then tomorrow I’m having lunch with the cartoonists at a Mexican place on Broadway, the name of which I’m forgetting.


im making a cheese grill sandwich and chili soup…for a crowd of me. myself and I.

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My girlfriend and I went for a seafood tower last night and it was fucking fabulous! We tried have a dozen places here in NYC and this was our second time at this place called Jeffery’s Grocery. If anyone is in NYC and looking for a tower of briny gluttony at a price which is cheap relative to other places check it out. We got the Royale which is their middle offering and for $110 it comes with this:

12 oysters, 6 littlenecks, 6 shrimp, smoked mussels, lobster salad, 1/4lb. king crab legs


Pâté en croûte.
Pork, fig, chicken liver, foie gras.
Reminds me of Paris.


Go fuck yourselves