Holiday Culinary Gluttony

Missus was working and son was out. Christmas dinner. Pie and peas - Pie was good thou (from Pipers Farm) :grinning:

I would hope so!
If you’re going to go that far, you might as well stuff as much of the holiday meal inside the birds as you possibly can!

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I’d have to say no - stuffing too spicy, for one… but overall disappointing…

Stuffing should ideally have chestnuts and not be spicy that’s just fucked up…

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Throw a few whole eggs in the turkey with the stuffing then tell the kiddos the turkey must’ve been pregnant. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Why don’t you want to eat turkey anymore son? You used to love it.


Kids out for the night, wife and I date night. I always wanted to try veal chops. Wow, they were amazing!!


Looks delicious!

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A little New Years spread. Aged Cheddar and Humboldt Fog cheeses. Alpine Cheddar and Hunters sausages from Gene’s Sausage Shop. I am also enjoying this Elouan Pinot Noir, which is from Oregon. I had a bottle around Thanksgiving and enjoyed it, so I picked up another for tonight.


I love this time of year for food. It is often said that the week between Xmas and New Years is like this black hole, and I agree with that. But there are these intersections of foods that just don’t happen any other time of year. Some sort of interesting leftovers from the holidays, being mixed with Xmas cookies, and random drink experimentations that just wouldn’t happen most of the year.

I mean, can you image it being summertime, and someone busts out the eggnog and any random liquor and being like “Hey, let’s experiment!” First of all Trevor, it’s 95 degrees out, and if that nog isn’t already rancid, it will be soon. Also, Trevor, why do you have a half pint of warm gin in the back pocket of your pants in the middle of summer? I’m trying to play disc golf, and this dude is mixing nogs?!?!

Anyways, I love this thread, and I think we should all celebrate the wonderful, awesome, and sometimes daring food & drink that come to fruition this time of year.

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