How do I clear yellow lock trigs?

For me, if I have to remove Yellow Trigs, I hold NO and the Encoder’s parameter for the duration of the Pattern or for a part of the Pattern.

In live recording, this apparently remove only the plocks corresponding to the parameter.
It doesn’t remove yellock trigs. :content:

Yes as I usually Motion Sequence one parameter at a time.

+1 for yellock

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Ah by the way thanks to you I found the right combination!
Live Rec > Hold No + LEVEL knob!
ERASE LOCKS message.

@Jameslondon74 it erases unused lock trigs.

:grimacing: But…it doesn’t seem to erase plocks…so lock trigs having plocks are not erased.

Erase unused Lock Trigs message would be more accurate no?
Still no way to erase all plocks?

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If you want to remove all p-locks on a specific Trig, hold that Trig and press Clear. You can do this on several Trigs at the same time.

My question is, why does it stay yellow, if there is nothing there?

In other words - I’ve cleared the p-lock, but it stays yellow. Shouldn’t the yellow light disappear? This is what is confusing me, and it’s misleading because it would suggest there’s a p-lock somewhere, when there isn’t.

It would be like a red trig staying red even if there’s no note trig.

On Octatrack you can put a trigless lock in the sequencer with [Function] + Trig, it will have no p-lock, no nothing. Hold the trig and turn knob for a p-lock. If the p-lock is deleted, the trigless lock is still there.

Trigless locks can be converted to trigless trigs, which serve a function on OT even when empty (they trig/retrig). So it makes sense that they do not disappear even when there’s no parameter locked on that trig.

Empty yellow trigs have no function at all?

If you just want to get rid of a yellow trig, slowly tap it twice or three times (can’t remember which) until there is no trig at all. No need to clear all parameter locks til it’s a useless yellow trig.

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That’s my question - what’s the point of keeping the light yellow?

If they only turn yellow because I’ve entered a p-lock, shouldn’t the yellow disappear if I delete the p-lock?

Call me anal, but I like to keep a clean pattern, and I find it distracting to see lots of yellow lights where there isn’t anything actually happening.

I’d be happier to see those yellow lights if a trigless trig had a purpose on the Digitone.

You can create lock trigs with Fn+Trig press. It is virgin and has to exist before you plock it.
Let virgin lock trigs live, they don’t hurt!

Kill them with No+Level in live rec.

I found one : temporarily mute a red trig.
Happier? :content:

Twice or Fn+once.

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It’s just misleading. You wouldn’t have a red lit trig if there was no note there.

So as it stands:
No light = nothing
Red trig = note
Flashing red trig = note / p-lock
Yellow trig = nothing
Flashing yellow trig = p-lock

You can see my point. What’s the purpose of the non flashing yellow light?

By the way, your live Rec / NO / Level click didn’t work for me. Yes the message “erase locks” popped up, but the p-lock remained.

Read my post again then. Have a good day with lock trigs without purpose. Life has no purpose anyway.

Yellow Trigs = Lock Trigs = (previously named) Trigless Trigs

I think you’re doing it wrong. If you want to remove Lock Trigs, first, you have to be in Live Recording Mode (hold Rec, press Play, remove fingers). Rec button is flashing.

Now, you have to know which parameter(s) is(are) locked. In this example, I will take Filter Cutoff and Resonance. Press and Hold NO then Press and Hold the Cutoff Encoder (E) for the whole duration of the Pattern. If it’s a 4 bar Pattern, you will have to Press and Hold the Encoder for 4 bars. The Lock Trigs are still there cause you have to repeat the procedure for the Resonance Encoder (F). Unfortunately, you can’t Press more than one Encoder at a time. So, repeat the procedure for that parameter.

Leave Live Recording Mode (Press Rec button) et voilà, the Yellow Trigs are gone without affecting the Notes (Red Trigs).

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Sorry to add confusion, but lock trigs with plocked notes are not deleted.

Thanks. I’m sure I’m doing it wrong and will try again! I’m pretty sure I was following instructions, but I’m easily confused lol.

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Would there be a use for some kind of pop up menu that shows all the p-locks present on a trig?

Boom - it worked. Thank you for your patience.

LIVE REC + NO + PARAMETER CLICK = “erase locks”
removes that parameter’s p-locks across duration of play. If no more p-locks remain on a trig, yellow light disappears. (trig removed)

TRIG + CLEAR = “clear locks”
removes all p-locks on given parameter. if no p-locks remain on a trig, yellow light remains (trigless trig).

Still unclear - what’s the purpose of a trigless trig?

I would love to see:

  1. Instant clear all p-locks on track
  2. Instant clear all p-locks on pattern
  3. Instant erase all p-locks on track
  4. Instant erase all p-locks on pattern

PLUS a new feature:
5. pop up list of all p-locks present on any held trig

As far as I have learned, these functions are unavailable?

As said, a trigless trig is a lock trig, with or without plocks.
It can be used to temporarily mute a note, retrigger filter envelope, lfo…

It clears all plocks.

But surely if something is happening on a trigless trig, it’s no longer trigless?? (newbie here, go gentle)

I still think it’s weird that by clearing a single parameter lock using LIVE REC + NO + PARAMETER CLICK, the trig disappears (no yellow light). But TRIG + CLEAR wipes all trigs but keeps the trig in place. I would have thought the other way around was more logical.