How do I clear yellow lock trigs?

Trigless in the sens that no note is trig.

Trigless lock = parameter lock that does not trig (note, sample etc.) or retrig (e.g. filter envelope).

Trigless trig = parameter lock that does not trig (note, sample etc.) but retrig (e.g. filter envelope).

Oh Jesus that just blew my mind. Just when I thought I had my head around it.

If a trigless trig DOES trig, why is it trigless?

Cause it’s a trigless lock that trigs :laughing: haha

Trigs what??

I made a mistake; Trigless trig = parameter lock that does not trig (note, sample etc.) but retrig (e.g. filter envelope) is correct.

On the Octatrack trigless trigs trig lfos and fx envelopes. They can also retrig the amplitude envelope from zero or restart the attack from the current level (depends on setting) and in a similar way retrig the filter env (again, depending how it’s setup).
They can also restart the phase of the amplitude modulator of the lofi fx.

So they do trig.

The trigless lock is just a simple parameter lock.

Clear as mud now? :upside_down_face:


er…backs away slowly…the mud looks pretty clear.

So a trigless trig can still trigger something. Hmmmm I feel like my confusion is the sign that I’m a newbie. I need to just accept it. Praise be TRIG.

I have to admit, I still think it’s illogical.

I lay down just one p-lock (say, filter sweep). It turns yellow. I remove that using TRIG + CLEAR, and the p-lock disappears, but it stays yellow. Clearly I haven’t added any other trig condition, I’m not using envelopes or LFOs, etc. It’s a completely blank trig. But it stays yellow. It’s very misleading.

Trigless is confusing, now they call them lock trigs. As I said maybe 3 or 4 times here, they don’t trigger notes, that’s all. You can plock notes to keep their value though.
They can trigger filter and lfo (you have to plock FLTT and LFOT).

They should be called TriggeringNotesLess. :content:


Like I said in my last post!?

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Well, I don’t have a DN, but I admit that after clearing the yellow trig it would make sense if they’d disappear. From a general understanding, I mean.
Don’t they blink when they contain a lock?
So steady yellow is always empty?

Digitakt, Digitone and Models only have lock trigs?

Trigless you mean? :joy:
Yes for DT/DN/MS, guess same for MC.
Btw MS has only red trigs, even for lock trigs (blinking) :content:

Good point. Have to verify if it’s always the case and if it’s the same on every Elektron devices.

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Yellow trigs without plocks don’t blink, except for notes, they don’t blink with plocked notes (and maybe other TRIG page parameters?).

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I confirm yellock trigs don’t blink if Trig page parameters are plocked, except portamento time and switch. :joy:

This is giving an extra point for those who think that the Models are entry level devices. Am I one of them? :thinking:

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I know yellow trigs are not note trigs.
Yellow trigs do blink if they have p-locks.

My quibble is with empty trigs that are yellow. And I mean empty! I just made one, cleared the p-lock and it stayed yellow. That’s all I’m sayin. Lose the yellow if it’s truly blank.

Once again, not if you plock Trig page parameters (except portamento parameters).

I totally agree that improvements are possible i’n that concern. I’d also like a functionality to remove them all simply.
I particularly dislike that you can’t remove all plocks of a track.

I do like the complexity and nuances of the Digitone, it’s incredibly intuitive once the methodology clicks.

P-locks are one of my favourite features, and are clearly as important to the instrument as note locks. So yes, it would be great if they had a few more clearing and copying tools.

Btw, I think a lot of my initial frustration is from working mostly in a DAW environment where literally everything is at your fingertips and you can select, deselect, delete very specific things, in a way more versatile than the Digitone. But I’m starting to understand this is part of the way of the instrument.

I’m already copying, pasting and clearing way faster than I was a week ago.