How to delete ONLY unused samples from +Drive?

Is there a clean way to delete ONLY unused samples from the +Drive on the DT?

I want to free up some space, but don’t want to accidentally delete samples that are in use on projects.

Is this possible?

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You can remove unused samples from the RAM. Maybe from there you can work something.


You can use this feature to remove all samples that are not used in any pattern in the project from the RAM memory. The samples are not removed from the +Drive.

  1. Press [GLOBAL SETTINGS], and then open the SAMPLES menu.

  2. Press the [LEFT] arrow key. A menu will appear on the right side of the screen. Select VIEW RAM and press [YES].

  3. Press the [RIGHT] arrow key. A menu will appear on the right side of the screen. Select SELECT UNUSED, and then press [YES].

  4. Select UNLOAD. A warning popup will appear asking “UNLOAD X SAMPLES? CONFIRM? Y/N”. Press [YES] to remove all unused samples.

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So convoluted at times. Why they don’t implement same practical tools such as Purge Samples/sounds like on the OT across all models is a mistery for me.

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Perhaps I am mistaken, but doesn’t removing samples from the RAM only remove them locally from the project?

As per the third line above ‘The samples are not removed from the +Drive’.

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That’s why I wrote the above.

After removing unused Samples from RAM, you could note down the used Samples and go from there.


Ah, got it — thanks.

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Elk Herd should do it.


Check out this previous post, combo of elk-herd, dev mode in chrome and a script:


Are you saying that this can be done on the OT? I wasn’t aware and have massively overloaded my sample library and don’t know what to delete as many samples I use are all over the place in my library.

Edit: now that I’m reading the manual. It seems this only deletes the unused flex and static tracks of a project correct? I was more along the hopes that it would delete the samples I don’t use from the totality of my SD card. Wishful thinking. :grimacing:

No. It works like this :

PURGE SAMPLES will remove all unused samples from the project. Note that samples are only removed from the Flex and Static sample slot lists of the project; the actual samples will not be deleted from the audio pool.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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It’s not the most practical either but you could collect the samples per project and delete all the Audio folder content.
The samples management is a total disaster on Elektron devices IMO which is a shame or such good… well, hum, samplers.
Even though they added some options like filtering which is great on newer devices, the sound pool management in the DN is so complicated compared to the samples slot system in the OT. You need to go through different keys combinations to access the same Sound pool but not the same functions. It takes like 5 presses just to add a sound to the sound pool, then you can’t reorganize them easily (swap at least if not change the order)…
Same if you wanna keep organized the slot of presets.

I wish they would give a common and practical UI update across the whole range.

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Thanks for the help here. I’m a little confused with this structure as you mention. So sorry if this sounds strange, but what you’re saying is:

-The projects if purged will have the samples collected within the project file.
-Then If I delete my general audio file the samples will still be able to be recalled within the project. (?)

My understanding was that projects draw the sample from the audio folder via file name. So that if I move a sample in the audio files into another file slot the OT will not know where to find it. You’re saying this wouldn’t be the case if I collected the samples within the project folders?

I went sample happy one day and am now lost in my file structure and running out of SD space :sweat_smile:

This might be a solution… I could be wrong. You could try saving all your projects to pc with transfer (after first purging the unused samples from each project)…wipe everything on the DT and then copy all your projects back onto the DT again. Hopefully everything will be slimmed down to the absolute minimum and fingers crossed no samples have gone astray on the way…


@generalkustard i think we’re speaking about the OT atm but my proposal is the same you mention.
Collecting samples in the OT will copy the samples within the project folder (not file). I kind of think it also makes the connections between slots and paths but i could be wrong, you have to try in a new project. Purge before Collecting so you have only the used samples copiedin the folder.
In any case, you have access to the samples so you’ll find them easily within the folder with their names.

I’m using this way to transfer a Bank to another Project (the PITA being the P-locked samples).

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Sorry if I said something that you already said… I was just expressing it a differently. AFAIK when you save a project the samples are saved with it so if you purge all unused samples first before saving you will only save the bare minimum. You can then clean up everything and put the bare minimum back on to the DT. I don’t have an OT so can’t comment.

No need to be sorry, i understood it the exact same way :wink:

We speak about different machines though.
I was speaking for the OT, i don’t know how samples are managed on the Digitakt.
Maybe send a feature-request @ Elektron?

Something that I do find irritating is that after the unused samples have been purged from a project the sample list is all broken up with gaps. It would be nice if Elektron could enable a tidy up of the list also.


Exactly what is mentioned above. You can clean up the DT by purging unused samples in all projects first. Next backup the project files with transfer app. Format +drive and re transfer the project from computer. All samples will be located in projectname corresponding maps.

You can actually choose where you want to save the samples when you reimport your project with Transfer: In a directory with the same name of the project or the original location. So if you choose the latter for each project, you can rebuild the same directory structure as you had before.