How to different clocks to multiple hardware?

I don’t have modular, hate computer, love hardware! I was dreaming about a crazy setup but can it be done?
Is there some sort of hardware machine, clock divider for midi?

I want to make a crazy setup for example:
One drummachine is tempo 120bpm, chained to an Elektron which is running at 60bpm and another synth running at 30 bpm? Is that possible somehow? Can a squarp pyramid do this kind of stuff, but then you need to program patches on the squarp itself?

If you send clock to something from two sources it often results in a doubled tempo, guess you could use that. You could sequence everything from an octatrack with individual track lengths and speeds for the same effect

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maybe searching for a cheap Octa mk1, thanks going to download the manual and check if it would suit me as I was always a bit scared of this superdeep machine

SND Acme-4 does division and midi swing. Expensive little box but one of the best pieces ive bought.


some very nice specs here but 999euros at Schneidersladen, WOW then I’d rather buy the Octatrack i think.

If you’re willing to do a bit of DIY it’s probably quite easy to do this with an Arduino/teensy. Midi clock is just a midi message sent 24 times per quarter note (or something like that). All you’d have to do is only send on each Nth tick for a N times divider.

Never had Arduino experience, only bit of circuitbending! Going to look into this arduino teensy thing, gather some more info on that also. thx

I could help with code if you needed. Dividing is real easy, multiplying a bit more complicated.

There is the Audiowerkstatt midi solutions
They have a whole range with diffrent midi solution. Dividers, multipliers, clock shifters and restarters.
And at a good price


Hi, do you like the clock divison feature?
do you use it as a performance tool or a utility?

I like very much.
I have a Octatrack, Tempest, OTO BIM delay and Nerdseq sequencer connected from the diffrent midi from SND Acme-4 that allows me to do divisions/multiply on the diffrent machines. And it always start dividing at start of a bar so it very musical.
All is in sync with ableton that is the master from a audio click to the SND. So everything is in super tight sync.
Great for jamming and recording.
Its a superb tool…loving it


Here is a nice video about the SND ACME-4


I have the E-RM Multiclock, it is nice too, though it is missing this nice little trick !
It really helped me to integrate my hardware to my Daw centric setup.

Only thing that really bothers me is portability.
My studio core is now computer + midi sync box + audio interface + hardware gravitating, depending on the situation. It becomes a real PITA to move from home now! :rofl:
I could buy a second one but it would be a bit overkill. I wish Roland or Arturia made a little audio interface with this feature integrated!

so now even though I love this solution for my studio I am still aiming at a more portable solution when i go on the road…
Something consisting of just a laptop + overbridge elektron box(es) would be neeeeeeeeat! :sunglasses:

this seems really really interesting for me, think so far this would be the cheapest way!

Thanks for the help but I think I will go with audiowerkstatt midi solutions now, this would be a dream come true and it’s affordable, going to have to check this carefully because this looks so great in theorie:

-midi clock devider v2
-midi clock multiplier v2
-midi clock shifter v2 (yeah that Elektron can play backwards!)
So many new ideas, a whole new world would open for me and my hardware gear
Think I’m going to start with the devider. oh schneidersladen has it also for 149 yeah

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Video of me using the SND ACMe4

Blue was never…midi clock divisions

hi everybody,

because the audiowerkstatt clock-tools are mentioned here, here are some videos demonstrating all functions and settings of them:

best wishes
olaf - audiowerkstatt

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Didn’t pay attention in school during those pesky mulitplication lessons, did ya? :stuck_out_tongue:

Without buying any gear, you could disable MIDI clock reception and set the tempos you want on each instrument.

When you press start on the master instrument, all the instruments will start playing at their own tempos and can be changed independently.

You just need to check the MIDI capabilities on each individual instrument.


Wow, euh going to try this out! Don’t think lots of gear can do that? It’s mostly clock int, clock ext, some instruments also clock auto. I don’t understand why all the gear start playing at their own tempo if you disable midiclock receipt. So if you disable it would still receive a start message so that it starts playing? So certain instruments could be set to receive midi messages (start,stop) but no clock?
Damn interesting, thank you very much, going to try this out