HW DEALS : Hardware on Sale

Let’s hope!

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Could (hopefully) be that, but could also be that peoples reduced spending power (and less disposable income now no longer locked down) means the synth market isn’t sustaining those bumped prices.


I’m starting a T-shirt business on the side, and I just got an email yesterday from my printer that printing prices changed (some up, some down) but shipping prices, pretty much across the board, went down.


Mother-32 is also on sale for the same $550 US as DFAM and Subharmonicon.

And the Subsequent 37 is marked down to $1600.

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Well that’s good news.

Matriarch and Grand Mother are on Thomann. Both colour ways are the same price £1745 and £799 respectively. Looks like the Dark models are no longer a premium price.

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I saw today that it’s everything across the moog line. These prices are basically pre-pandemic supply chain snafu prices. Pretty fantastic!


In the US, pricing of the Claravox Theremin and the Moog One models appear to be unchanged

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I’ve always liked the Grandmother, I’m gonna have to utilize the little discipline I have left.

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Thanks for bringing this business to my attention. I just pulled the trigger on a Minitaur. I can hardly wait!


Its the best bass synth I have owned (and I have owned a lot).


I’ve been using a Dreadbox Typhon for bassline duties. It’s never sounded bad but spending any significant amount of time looking into that screen will blur my vision something fierce. I know it’s not at all like a 1 to 1 swap but I’m pretty sure the Minitaur is going to provide me a better experience in getting the job done. I couldn’t be more psyched. I’ve been eyeing this thing for a couple years now.

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For several months now

Just wanted to add my thoughts - Elevator Sound really are great - friendly, knowledgeable staff and great service. Nothing is too much trouble and good prices with fast delivery….


It’s really easy to change the Typhon’s screen, if you want.

Hahaaaaa @Pinkbox , You’re a maniac! I saw that when you did it (I spend lots of time reading up on anything I might buy long before I ever do) and was duly impressed. I’m somewhat handy to the point of having built lots of guitar pedals ‘n such but what you’ve done there seems like it’d be several steps outside of my comfort zone.

the hardest part was putting my VISA number on Amazon :wink:


Not in europe it seems…musicstore sketchy as always has even put the price up😂

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Let’s hope that planned Moog office in Berlin can change this in the future … :pray:
and give us Moog loving Europeans some candy too. Thx Moog :heart:

Waiiiit there’s a planned Moog office in Berlin? :open_mouth::heart_eyes: