HW DEALS : Hardware on Sale

This is tempting. I can’t find anything about M1 native compatibility with TC plugins. Does anyone know?

I have their Hall of Fame 2 pedal, so I thought it had some pedigree.

Is the reverb not good or the controller?

I know Mike Dean used the lollipop controller for a while.

Thank you so much! I ordered one.

They are not M1 compatible.

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I don’t get the appeal of a hardware controller for a reverb plugin. I mean for a synth, sure, but I feel like the benefits of a hands-on filter cutoff is not quite the same as like, a hands-on reverb decay time.

In other HW deals news, while the overall Elektron sale is over, it looks like everyone still has the Syntakt on sale.

I just see people going crazy buying all this stuff thinking they are getting good deals and the reality is these units are not that great and didn’t sell. Mike Dean gets all kinds of stuff for free, doesn’t mean anything.

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It looks cool? And it has a dedicated delay time adjustment keys.

Not great in what way? The reverb quality? Or is the controller not good? Or are you mad at people buying things?

Edit: Deal is over. It’s back to $99.

And look. I haven’t even received the unit yet, so I can’t defend it, so all I did was post a hardware deal in a thread about hardware deals.

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Don’t sweat it… At $30, I would have purchased. I haven’t tried it but the last time I was in a discussion about it, some said they loved it.

Not saying this reverb is bad, but even the worst sounding ones have their place and use.


Issue is when you buy it JUST because it’s a deal. In that case even $30 is too much in my book. I mean, experimentation is cool and it’s not much of an outlay, just saying, that’s how people end up spending shitloads during deal weeks on stuff they wouldn’t have even thought of otherwise (me included :slight_smile: )


I don’t understand why there is any issue at all on a thread dedicated to hardware deals.

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There has to be an issue on every thread, otherwise what are we going to argue with each other about?


It’s not that I don’t get that part, but it’s $30. Fast food for two costs more than that here.

Love it!!! Ha!!

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No problem bro, no one’s attacking you, certainly not me. Buy whatever you like to buy, I’m grateful you shared the deal even if I’m not interested in it.

Just sharing a personal experience, I spent money on stuff just because it was cheap - no other reason - and then ended up never using it. There’ve been “warnings” of that nature in other threads as well, just trying to look out for one another, is all.

Buy away people, and enjoy!


I must be overworked. It felt like people were piling on.


miniKorg 700FS $300 off


Oof, that’s a great deal! I wish I didn’t have one so I could buy it again. what?


Arturia MicroFreak seems to be universally discounted in the UK right now (about £220) … don’t know how long that’s been happening.


Just the white one right? Or have you seen the dark one? Not a fan of the white really otherwise I’d be tempted

Yup, I should have said. The vocoder edition. https://www.google.com/search?q=arturia+microfreak+vocoder+edition&tbm=shop