I fu@#ing love autumn

Quality post. Autumn is the shiznizz.

Gonna pick those rose hips? I dried a jar full but was a lot of work…

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I dont see any Pumpkin Spiced candles??

Had to Google what the fuck is a Crane Fly. Have to say, much prefer the stupid British naming of these as a Daddy Long legs!

I’ve not but now that you mention it I really feel like I should have a go at making rosehip tea from scratch at some point

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Fuck off Starbucks


The first day of summer for me is the beginning of a countdown to autumn. I suffer through summer and autumn is my favorite season hands down.
All of the shitty tourists and seasonal “residents” start to leave and the year round locals breathe a collective sigh of relief as we get our island back to ourselves for a few months. Parties and shows start happening because everyone is too busy working in the summer.
The colors of everything become more rich because it’s wet and the light is diffused by the clouds and fog. And we get darkness back, oh I’ve missed night.
As someone who works mainly outdoors in the trades I much prefer the colder seasons. I can always bundle up and move around to warm up, when it’s hot out I want to peel my skin off as my brain boils in my skull. And summer is my busiest work season, soon I can reduce my hours down to five days a week. I’ve had three days off this summer and they’ve been due to smoke from forest fires.
I’m always ready for months and months of cold, dark, and rainy. I just love the beautiful gloom.
Sorry I’m rambling, I could go on indefinitely. I love autumn.


Best season

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I have lived in New England most of my life and I have always loved the fall foliage, especially on a rainy day where it looks like the light in the air is emitting directly from the trees themselves.

Unfortunately, I am allergic to leaf mold. So, as the leaves begin to leave the trees and accumulate on the ground, the terrain the surrounds me becomes a mold factory. That sucks.

^^ the opening of this track really sounds like Sun Ra to me! ^^

^^ cheers. ^^


And now to something completely different, the larch ( quote monty python)
First yellow larch i saw this year today where i work. Yes, colours and light is nice, it feels great ( if i have my thermostea and primaloft jacket)
But at the same time i get reminded of all the things i didn‘t do again this year( or couldn‘t do, broke a rib i summer etc), like use song mode on a4 haha,
be a bit less confused this year… And today my mother is in hospital…
best wishes and nice walks to all elektronauts.


love autumn, always get excited when you can feel the humidity of the summer start to lift, where i’m at the sky even seems more crisp and blue in the fall it’s a lovely time of year

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Autumn is the best. I love summer too, but autumn is my time of year.

Now winter… If it’s not going to snow, winter can go straight to hell.

Spring, I’m ok with, but it’s definitely not my favorite. It’s like summer teasing me.

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well, since we’ve got Syntakt OS update, and got MC-707/101 update recently as well – yes, i fucking love this particular autumn.

if tactical doomsday happens here in Kyiv, i hope my gear will survive nuclear electromagnetic pulse.

(EDIT: guess what? air raid sirens! :grin: )



Hope you stay safe


… has anyone called dib’s on your gear yet?

Just kidding. God bless and stay safe. And jam while you can.


that’s what i’m doing, because Syntakt got portamento, and now it can do proper acid lines!


I love my humid hot summers, outside all night partying! Autumn is cool because American football and dinner menu changes! The real issue with autumn is It’s the segue into stupid long winter.

Argh, I though you meant looking at trees AND shit, maybe searching for that white dog poo we used to have around. Haven’t seen shit that in years.

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You don’t have to look for dog shit round here.

It’s fucking everywhere.

I counted 8 on the 5 minute walk to school yesterday

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People who don’t clean up after their dog do my nut in.