I own DT and DN already - do I need OT?

Ah cool! I’ll check that out! I have been looking for a way to make pattern changes more integrated into the DAW setup so that might be perfect…

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Direct the midi to the overbridge plugins on channel 16
and the very lowest octaves in ableton are the patterns
Make sure your pattern change clips have no quantisation on or it’ll change late…
you will find all the info you need on this site.

If I were to get an octatrack I would do the same but with program changes

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…unless you want a box that can also external midi sequence things. Other than that I tend to think AR is pretty amazing as well :slight_smile:

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Yeah I’ve got both, the Rytm mk2 is better obviously, but I like the fact DT has 2 different types mute modes, the control all and randomise add something special. And the smaller form factor better screen …
I’m using more for one shot stabs, hits etc… still working out the best use for the DT


one of its most useful for me

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just a little update if someone has similar problems. The glitches only occurred when using the machines as audio interface.
I used the plugins yesterday for the first time since this OB beta is available and all machines ran without any glitches for 3 hours :+1:


Don’t forget, my comment was made from the perspective of an Octatrak owner.
And there’s less of the seizure inducing light show :wink:

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