I want to hug whoever wrote the code for the DN master Overdrive

Nope, quite the opposite.

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Another top tip for staying mud free… low cut the effects! They all have filters on them so thats nice and easy. :slight_smile:
( should all be doing that anyway regardless of what gear you use in the box out the box, wear the box on your head what ever)


I do find a little click and then a slight rounding off of high end.

No idea what that is :sweat_smile:

Interesting, because mine drops quite a bit (like you can’t engage it mid-track, it’s really noticeable) when engaged. I’ve also never been massively enamoured with the sound of it. Maybe there’s a problem here…


Ess talked about how he usually leaves it at 0.1 when he’s going to use it in a song to avoid the cross over click. if you have a lot of low low low or really High frequency info it will compress pretty hard.


Yeah dude Id say that’s wierd as. When I use it there’s the initial click from 0 to the first increment (yay digital) then its all just sweet overdrive with expected gain increase from there on it. Like, if I crank it half way through a pattern, I need to reach for the mixer pronto cause it gets loud.

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Yeah, the first half of mine is pretty quiet and not particularly overdriven.
Might actually try updating to the latest firmware…

Well that’s pretty normal I think, the first 50 % or so is subtle drive, then once you go past that it gets dirtier the further you go. Like a good overdrive should.
I really think you have to watch the levels going into it though to get the best out of it, otherwise, if all the synth tracks are at full, and the master overdrive is full, thats just a bloody mess to my ears.

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I’ll try out a few things later, see how it responds but I’ve got a heat anyway so no bother.

Thanks for the help folks.

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I wish it could been applied to base-width filter base! (Optionally)

Cheers for the advice… Will experiment for a while and learn more, then look at the situation again.

I get this. It’s because your tracks are quite high in volume (pushing the limits of the headroom) and will suddenly be compressed/clipped by the distortion the moment you engage distortion from 0 to 0.1. As someone suggested above, if you leave it on the minimum engaged amount of 0.1 when composing and setting your levels, it will act normally when you turn up the distortion to higher levels later on. Don’t worry, you’re not going mad haha


I have to try this, I also thought about it because I was using this with OT (max filter dist, lowering VOL, no significant quality loss at equivalent volume).

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I hate to say it, but I’ve had my Digitone for almost 2 years, and I don’t think I have really used the master OD. After Ess’ recent release (Granules) on 0-day Sysex, I’m realizing what I’m missing. This thread has a lot of good tips, too. I’m going to dive into starting a track with the Master OD as a feature.


For the guitarists amongst you, DN actually makes a pretty decent box to have at the end of the chain before recording into a DAW. The three effects sound pretty good, plus the master overdrive sounds very nice on electrics. Also, the per pattern nature of the DN, means you can change settings hands free as you progress through a song (but obv it needs something like an OT or a DAW to send it PCs)


Is the master OD the same OD as on each individual track?

Not really. To my ears it sounds a bit more saturation than distortion.

I suppose an easy test would be to a-b some simple sounds like a basic sine and low mod index fm. Through both and see how the response changes. The biggest difference is the volume of every voice will affect the headroom of the master od. While the od on the voice level will only be affected by the x-y out of the algorithm. Also remember the od is pre filter on the voice so lowpass and base width settings will affect the gain levels and output harmonics.