IDM / Ambient Techno made on your Elektron gear

I love this man! good stuff

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Thanks, I appreciate you listening!

I also listened all other tracks on soundcloud,

What did you use for drums? Octatrack?

First, thanks for listening, definitely appreciate it.

I use a few different things depending on the track. I’m mainly using the OT, A4, DN, and MDUW, along with a Nord Modular G2, and I’ve used them all for drums at one point or another, along with Drum Machine Designer in Logic which I used for some of the sounds on this most recent track.

If there’s a particular sound you’re curious about, let me know and I’ll do my best to pinpoint it.

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True Detective :slight_smile:

i recorded this “jam” but the mix is inexistant, It’s analog four filtering Td-3

i can hear maybe some sounds similar to analog ocean of echospace @2min


This glitchy track is pretty much all Digitone/Digitakt plus some minor extra ambiences in the background made in Ableton, but only because my Octatrack was on repair service :confused:


Yes very Echospace, I also hear some flanger sounds?

The song reminds me of the club scene from Blade. Cool track

I’m happy you see it, Yes, I use a Flanger pedal after the Analog four, very special but it’s so useful to obtain those sounds…

I didn’t even saw this movie, I have to… Maybe my next trimestrial movie :space_invader:
Thank you for the comment, I like this kind of ambiances :slight_smile:

i’m digging this, has an “Autechre” meets “Quake 1 soundtrack (Trent Reznor)” feel.

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Thanks, yes definitely Autechre influence there. Haven’t heard “Quake 1” soundtrack, but I used to listen to NIN a lot! Gonna check that out.

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I liked the sound design here, and having read the “Autechre-by-way-of-NIN-by-way-of-Quake” comparison before listening, I definitely get what they’re saying.

It’s glitchy, but not in that brittle tiny way “IDM” can sometimes get. The bass and drums especially have heft and weight to them, they’re big beefy hits but there’s still a lot of movement and things going on.

I think my only critique would be I wish that break around 3:18 would have been held for another bar or so, just to give the listener a break, especially considering how heavy things are.

I’d also think about replacing one of the sections with a more obvious deviation from the original pattern(s). One thing I struggle with in my own work is, especially when doing some of these constantly shifting patterns, I’m not always sure how much change is enough for it to feel different vs repetitive. For the most part I think you avoid that but it might be interesting to try something different somewhere in the song.

Anyway these are just my own aesthetic options, so take that for what it’s worth. Either way, good stuff.


Hey thanks for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it! …Glad to hear it sounds kinda heavy, it was probably unconscious, but I do like heavy/noise/metal music.

I totally agree with you, I also think I could have added some more radical section change somewhere. I find it harder to do within this sort of shifting beats than with more straight ones, don’t know why, but it’s something that I will be pushing more for this project. Thanks!


Yeah, something about those “ever-changing” beats, sometimes I set up really complex trig conditions, with hits on every beat at random intervals with different plock settings, and after all of that, it still sounds like the same thing over and over again after a few bars.

I’ve found something as simple as going to half-time, or changing all of the time signatures of the drum beat, that sort of thing helps, or just totally changing up the sounds. It just has to be dramatic really.

The other thing is, when you’re sitting there steeping in what you’re working on, it’s nice to get a fresh set of ears to point things out. Even for things like whether a pattern was held for too long, or not enough, or you need to add or take something away, it’s definitely nice to get feedback, even if, like me, you’re just doing it for fun or whatever.

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I always wanted to post into this thread.


ohh deliciously weird, i dig it :slight_smile:

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Had fun doing a short acid/idm jam with the cirklon + digitone + rytm + xenophone + preenfm2 + prophet6


@Cepheid, I hope you don’t mind, thought this belonged here.

Cephid’s idm/acid jam below.


Immense thanks for re-sharing, I appreciate that. Not my best work by far, just a simple 1 pattern deal. Though I will say I do love the TB-03. So much that I’ll be ditching my SH01A because I’ve got too much gear now. Super fun unit and sounds great! Trying to wrap my head around the external sequencing and adding slides at the moment.