Immediate gear selling regret

I bought and sold an MPC 1000 three times, finally managing to get it out of my system with the best of the lot. I had my first one years and years ago, pre-Ableton (pre me using Ableton, anyway). Then I bought another but didn’t like that specific unit (the blue/orange one) so sold it pretty much immediately and then some time afterwards I got a beautiful black and wood one that was stunning… but ultimately I don’t want an MPC workflow any more.

I have had three MF-101s and only managed to live without one by using the Werkstatt input to cure my ladder filter GAS.

My second 0-Coast arrived today after regretting selling the first almost immediately.

I didn’t so much regret selling my first SP-505 as got offered a great price for it that I couldn’t turn down and then bided my time before finding a great deal on a replacement a year or two later. I never intended to be without one for long so I guess that doesn’t count.

Oh, and turntables/mixer. I’ve decided I wasn’t going to cut again 3 times now but at least the most recent one didn’t result in me selling my gear, just moving the tables into the loft and loaning the 05 Pro to a friend!

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That WOULD be tasty, I have my eyes open. I love the form factor of the v1 though…

Unless I really need to, same now for me. I put it in the attic or cupboard like @PeteSasqwax says. I’ve come back to 2-3 synths much later in this way and it’s almost like getting new gear.

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Roland SH-2, and sold both a MKI and MKII octatrack but have bought another MKII. This time I have realised how incredibly powerful it really is once you know it.


I remember after letting all of my vinyl go (cheap sales and Oxfam Records) + my turntables, I was having dreams about mixing for the next 6 months. The same thing happened after I sold on my first MD&MM and was left with just a laptop.
I never went back into vinyl but I re-bought the silver combo just before they were finally phased out :slight_smile:


A Yamaha FS1r 10 years ago. Amazing FM monster in a 1U rack. Can’t remember the reason, but whatever the reason was I still regret it.

And a pair Korg AM8000r and DL8000r. Different gear, same story.

But life goes on :green_heart:

E-mu Emax II and E4K.
Sold them years ago because they were huge and they no longer fit my workflow nor the constantly moving studio, but they also sounded really nice… each in their own way, Emax2 was a bit lofi but very warm, E4K had punch, clarity and bass. I wouldn’t have sold them if I had unlimited space.

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Sold a TR606 not once, not twice but three times before I realised I probably need to keep it. I have one again.
Sold an SH101 to fund a MC202 and reduce space, I mean like it’s hardly any space at all. Definitely not a fan of the MC202. I have a 101 back again.
Sold a Juno 60 because I have a Nord Rack 2, that was probably a mistake haha, I got the JU06A now and it’s great.
Sold a really nice chrome BMX to some lad who took it down the beach and left it there. It got pretty rusty.

I can’t say I regret any of these though. Lessons to be learned are the best part I think. It means now when I look at something in the studio that is being used less, I either use it, or I’m happy it just sitting there until its day arrives. The idea of not using something before was a real problem, I felt really bad about it, so it was right selling it before. Right now I feel good, so I will keep stuff.

I often think we make life way more complicated than we probably need to. :alien:


Miss my Yamaha CS10… sold when I saw a CS30 for $900au about 10 years ago but diddle daddled a bit too long after the sale and it was gone.

Also some regret for my old JX3p, Juno6 and SH101. The latter two had some issues. Saw the boutiques get released and thought they would cover that itch. Most of those are gone now as well.

Flawless Simmons SDS8. Won’t see one of those again. Loads of fun driving it from a Machinedrum. I did have the chance to buy an SDS V with issues for silly cheap a year or two back but didn’t want to deal with getting it fixed so passed.

Elecribe ESX1 SD. Lovely machine. Cant even remember why I sold it. Just know its not there any more and I refuse to pay collector $ for another, so it mustn’t be that essential. My Radias covers a bit of that itch. Still.

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I have almost gotten over it until some nice forum member told me he had one…


Been scouring the earth for another. One finally came up a few months ago…and then my doggo needed emergency surgery so I missed it.
(sometimes i wonder if i made the right choice, but shes a good doggo and reminds me there will be another one…eventually…someday…soon(?), but there is only 1 doggo)


so bummed I sold my Benjolin module.
making it worse…the fact it isn’t made anymore. I don’t know if V2 is better or worse. I just wish I had held onto that one. :frowning:

Never ever sell any piece of gear you have love for, even if it would make sense to upgrade or replace or downsize. There’s a reason that you shouldn’t try to understand. Put it in storage.


Sold my OTmkII yesterday. I had it boxed up for a month and didn’t miss it at all. But when I set it up to demonstrate it for the buyer and messed with the fader for a bit, I felt a little bit of regret that I didn’t really use it to its full potential in the 2.5 years I had it. On the other hand, it’s really hard to do that with the OT, as it can do so much :sweat_smile:
All in all, I’m glad to have a little more focus with the digitwins now.


Put it in storage with all the other stuff


I don’t regret selling modern easily available gear, but selling stuff which is hard to replace can be a bit of a downer, if you regret it after.


I sold my FS1r about 12 years ago to help pay for baby stuff. Regretted it enough to eventually trade a Linnstrument for one maybe 4 years ago. Realised I don’t need it and let it go a second time with no regrets!

Wonderful synth though!


The one piece of gear that I have rebought and sold the most is the Acidlab Drumatix.

I’ve owned one like six different times over the years and I always tell myself that I won’t sell it when I rebuy it. I always immediately feel regret when I sell it.

I ended up ordering another one a couple weeks ago though lol. This one will never get sold again :wink:

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I sold my first real bass, bought with my own money and that I’ve played a few hundred shows with. MiA Fender Highway One Precision Bass. Great, great instrument that I’ve been really happy with until I got into playing Jaguar basses.

I haven’t used it in a few years and I’ve been buying so much synth stuff that I have to let something go. I regret it already, 700 euros is a nice chunk of cash but as much as I try not to get attached to physical things too much, this ones a big loss.


I was thinking about this yesterday, more than immediate gear selling regret, if I could go back in time to 2002-2003 and do it all over, I would tell myself to get:

  1. Black MPC1K
  2. Nord Electro 2
  3. Korg D3200
  4. A good pair of headphones until you can afford good monitors (what Genelec monitors were available back then?)

I think that setup would have stood the test of time for me.

If I could go back to 1991, I would tell myself to skip the Stratocaster and get a Jazzmaster.


Monotribe because it was my first analog synth. Hated the ribbon keyboard and lack of stock midi input and at the time wasn’t technically savvy enough to solder a midi port into it.

Digitakt and Digitone. Sold them both and rebought them a month later.

Organelle M, the thing is insanely versatile and even if I don’t ever make a patch in PD, theres so many patches out there that make it worth it, especially in the granular and sampler realm. I did end up rebuying this as well lol.

OP-1 and OP-Z. Sold them both once and rebought them both. They do have a specifc workflow and sound that tends to nudge me in a direction of the music I make but they are also a lot of fun to use. And at this point I’ve just admitted I’m a bit of a teenage engineering fanboy.

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If that would stand the test of time, wouldnt it be still a valid setup today for you?