Immediate gear selling regret

It probably will :laughing: I really love the pickup machines and love just being able to tap in between playing other things to get loops going. I really would love to see a non time stretched option there so if that ever happened Iā€™d probably jump straight back in - black version no less :grin:

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If its working 100% then that is a pretty cool bit of kitā€¦

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You cĆ”nt disable time strengthing in pickup?? Wow didnā€™t know that (I always use flex)

Thereā€™s a few issues with it. Like itā€™s like u can almost get what u want. Flipping between either tempo or master pickup sync, but if u turn it all off then u get this ā€˜overdub abortedā€™ error. It seems like it needs work to me. In Live at least, I can use Complex Pro which is basically artefact free. So I ended up back there

ā€¦if all this sell out actions of urs were not for instant need of money, u really have a strange connection to ur sonic gearā€¦

Only one regret.
Got Juno-60 for 200usd 15 years ago.
Traded for shitty amp & yamaha guitar 1 year later.

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not immediate regret, but I sold the (older) Vermona Perfourmer and my Nord Lead 2X.
I needed the money back thenā€¦
My plan was to buy the newer Perfourmer and the NordLead rack some day, but it never happened after maybe 10 years.
IĀ“m really tempted to sell the OTO biscuit and my Moogerfoogers recently, but I donĀ“t do it, because I like them a lot. could be a regret, but:
IĀ“ve seen a biscuit offer at ebay some weeks ago for 2900ā‚¬
If someone would actually pay that money I maybe change my mind - lol

playing with some gear today! :star_struck::boom:

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I had 2 4 row systems of Bugbrand, I sold off 5 rows and kept 3, I wish I could have kept them all but it just wasnā€™t practical, I will never sell the remaining modules though.

Sold my mint 2016 MDuw for generous 2000 euros few months ago and i still regret it.
I wasnā€™t actually using it as much as I thought i will so i sold it to buy better speakers but i also know that i will never find one in such, practically new, condition.
Iā€™m very pleased with the speakers but MDuw is something that will never happen again. The sound, the industrial design, potentialā€¦ unrepeatable!

MnM tho, i will never sell! Never! Itā€™s the last thing thatā€™ll leave my house!

Or the first if the house is on fire.


Heh something like that! :+1:

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Not wishing you bad luck, though.


I will never sell my Octa Mk2.

I did sell a TB03 recently because whilst I loved the sound i hated the interface - I intended to pick up an Acidlab M303 instead. I have a feeling this may have been a mistake - only just figured out I could have been driving it from the Octa via MIDI, with MIDI CCs driving slide and accent etc. Sigh. The Octa is so deep

Same here my biggest regrets were selling MPC1Ks and I feel you, prices in EU are a bit steep, rusty smudged blue ones barely any extra for Ā£670. Really??

I found a mint looking black one for Ā£470 in Japan on reverb, not 100% sure it has the good pads, def doesnā€™t have JJ. Had to pay Ā£70 tax duty and shipping was Ā£40 via UPS. So it might end up being fairly pricey in the end but I missed it so much.

Itā€™s still on its way to me tho. I thought it would do Japan, maybe somewhere in between and London. Oh was I wrongā€¦

Looking at tracking so far itā€™s been to Tokyo, Shenzhen (got stuck there 5 days), and thenā€¦ fasten your seatbeltā€¦ Anchorage Alaska (wtf??), Louisville Kentucky (wtff???), and currently in Germany. So it is scheduled to arrive Tuesday in London.

That MPC will have travelled more than all of us on this forum added up in the last 6 months!

After doing some research and talking to a friend of mine who buys records for a UK record shop, looks like shipping in EU is clogged at the mo, which would explain why the huge detour. Sorry I digressed!!

I also have a OP-1 but this one I will never sell!


My first op-1 was heartbreaking to sell. I have a second and while itā€™s crossed my mind Iā€™ve since discovered the ambient method of recording in some twinkly bits and then slowing it -12ā€¦

My OT mk1 I miss as well but donā€™t have the time to learn it TBH if I was still only a single child parent Iā€™d get one again. But 3 kiddos has me focusing on my tiny rig (op1,blackbox,iPad , boss rv6 and dd8)

I also kick myself for selling the Deluge but Iā€™m ok with it, as Iā€™d have to sell my op1 to keep it.

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Moogerfooger MF-104
Analog Heat MKII

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I sold an waldorf rack attack - 24 voice drum computer - because of the interface. It has FM, all wave froms, FX (delay, distortion, flanger etc.) - but it was hard to program with the rack format - i sold it for 400 - now they are 660 ā‚¬ used. Its hard to find all those features in one box. It was a very stable device aswell. I should have put more time into it. Maybe i buy one back in the future - or if i find one cheap.

I recently found out, that the VST version of the attack can convert to the rack module - so one could export his sound to the device. How cool is that.

Immediate regret? Trading my A4 for an OT recently. These regrets are subsiding, but in the beginning I had a few moments of ā€œwhat have I done to myself?ā€

Long term regrets? Korg ER-1, OP1, Juno 6 (though the voice chips were dying), Nord Wave, Nord Drum 2, Korg SQ-1, Telharmonic

No right or wrong wayā€¦the listener could never tell (unless you tell them what you did (a MASSIVE pet peeve of mineā€¦ā€I made this by doingā€¦ā€))

Whatever werks best for you and gets the best resultsā€¦is the best way to go :+1:t6: