Intellijel Cascadia

I’ve had similar thoughts, but I think it depends a lot on your euro setup. I quickly decided against, as I have mostly granular and digital sound sources w/ lots of modulation – it would be switching color palettes completely.

Also, the point about Pro 3 is a very solid one – what I’ve heard from Cascadia so far sounds like it’s a very particular range of sounds vs. something like the Pro 3.

My .02

Out of curiosity can the Pro 3 do feedback routing?

Yes, I think it’s got the same feedback circuit as the Pro 2, which is boss.


If I were getting a Pro3 I wouldn’t be considering a Minifreak though - feels like I’d be stepping all over my setup with that approach and the budget explodes somewhat :slight_smile: Also doesn’t seem like a very good alternative to the Cascadia :thinking: This has just become a GAS exploration haha.

I picked the Cascadia and Minifreak specifically because they’d cover the bases my modular currently handles, whilst potentially introducing some interesting additions. I’d lose a little modulation spice and the more creative effects - I don’t think a Pro3 fills those gaps.

Yea this is the key tbf - we all probably have very different uses of modular, it was an obtuse pondering on my part lol

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Yeah, seems well-considered :+1: I’ve been falling out with euro a bit, myself, so this is an interesting thought to me too.

I keep finding myself swapping voices around and trying to narrow in on something - I love the efficiency and customisability of my rack but I’ll be the first to admit it’s not the most effective use of modular. I use it more as a way to gather a set of voices and effects in one package. I think if you dig into Serge type stuff and spend a lot of time on whacky sound design it’s a different beast.

Edit: I don’t know why I’ve been so coy, it would probably help to actually share my current rack :crazy_face: Although it does change on a weekly basis this is a good benchmark for how I use it, for context:

Cascadia would cover a good chunk of this and give me some extra sound design capability that pulls away from a lot of the fixed architecture. The Minifreak would cover the rest and potentially be more immediate for the more fixed use cases. That’s my thinking anyway.

Thanks folks for chucking in thoughts on my mad GAS dreams :v: I will keep pondering instead of actually making music


Super dope sounding, which fx are on the cascadia?
And which sounds are from the little black nes sequencer box?

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I’m leaning more towards the syntryx2. I reality love this though…
And there is the new mpc now to though that has my heart leaning towards that too… but the support from akai is horrible, and I’m worried it will lose value quick and I will hate myself for spending that much…

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The little M8 box is just sequencing but off screen the squid salmple is playing drums and pad sounds. I could do a solo recording of the cascadia to give a better idea of what is going there… cascadia has alm mfx digital delay on it (delay with down sampling in the feedback loop).

I want to say it has like 3 different types of feedback but the actual audio path can’t really be altered in it.


I’m also torn, gassing between a Syntrx2 and the Cascadia. I love the UI on the Syntrx but feel the tone is already covered by my Pro3. While the Cascadia sounds like it will go to stranger west coast sonic territory I’m not sure how useable those r2d2 noises will be in my music.

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here is kind of basic demo of the range of sounds from in that song just tweaking sliders with phaser filter into ringmod feeding back into the filter, but I also play with the fold and taming stuff back with the VCF2 and just various levels of things on the mixer, filter settings, driving the filter, driving post fx. Sorry the sequence is a bit boring but I just had it loop one part of the song as I messed about with it.


gimme more!

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Just received my tracking number from perfect circuit! (Happy synth the noises)


Did a few hours of listening to demos from both the Cascadia and Syntrx 2, I love the look of the UI on the Syntrx, Bakelite knobs, VU meter, and patch recall are fantastic, while it’s tone sounds “thicker” the Cascadia routings and filters create some really wild noises! The Intellijel might be next on my GAS list!


I got a message yesterday that Schneidersladen received my Cascadia, so it shouldn’t be long now. I would guess EU orders for the first round should be arriving soon.


Cascadia just arrived. It’s really well made, the sliders feel excellent and the knobs are super sturdy.

What a fantastic piece of kit.


Here’s a no-talking video showing some presets for Techno, Ambient and Electronica. Maybe you find it useful.


oooof looks like its gonna get a nice workout with that cirklon.
just listened to those demos above, jeez

“agridulce waveshaper lead”

jesus i need


I am impressed by the device itself, but everytime I click on a sound demo, I think: sounds rather like a bread and butter monosynth. Maybe it’s just my inexperience with (semi)-modular, but I would really like to hear someone taking this to another planet (if that’s possible, and I assume it is)


yeah it may be inexperience with such things. usually the challenge is trying not to make it TOO crazy. :rofl:

personally I love hearing the pure, basic tones. because I know it can get nuts. but you want it for both. and for everything in between too.

the above video is really good at showing more range. i.e. not just one patch