Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

So how will the AR make use of a stereo sample ? Why would they use the ram resource and +Drive resource to capture data that is not useful in the device at all ?

This isn’t a discussion about the merits of stereo samples, it’s a comment about the merits of stereo samples within the Rytm … which seems infinitesimally small

So which level are you referring to ? [rhetorical]


Thanks that explains the thin bandwidth of my A4. Is it possible to hack it to the USB2.0 full speed now, when A4 became a vintage machine?

@Jon any info wrt sample backups for the rytm mk II? Will it require ob premium?

OK thanks. I didn’t realise it was intentional crippling. Have been considering an AK for a few weeks and now interested in A4 MKII but this is a big issue. What does the MIDI OUT port do then if no MIDI is sent from it? Does it send MIDI when you play live but not from the sequencer at any time?



What the hell did you do ELEKTRON… when I saw that I put my RYTM in sale second hand directly… now I have 3148 € to spend … you blow me away. These enhancement are just exactly what you have to do ! it’s very very welcome ! it’s more than that. I’m very proud of this new MKII and as I use almost just Analog RYTM and Analog FOUR + MacBook Pro WELL I JUMP ON IT I’m in… but damn : RYTM & FOUR Stream all internal voices, external inputs, and main bus to separate DAW tracks (24bit / 48 kHz) it’s so cool !!! Hey Overbridge Premium gives us a hint few month ago there’s something to come Overbridge in mind…


I could see that. It would be a big way they separate the sampling capabilities of the OT. Does the rytm play stereo samples though or does it sum to mono?

No need to hack, it has the hardware already … it is just too noisy in the analog circuits, so it has to be throttled back … No fix incoming

OB may have been an afterthought on the originals as USB may have been intended just for midi

it plays stereo if you spend two voices and hard pan em

It rejects stereo samples … they are converted to mono by stripping a channel, NO summing

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Why is the OT able to record stereo samples then ?
Oh yeah the OT isnt a drum machine right. It’s not like people can sometimes use stereo drum samples in their music.
You don’t need to justify it this way calling bs when it’s mostly because you (elektron) don’t want to bite on the OT market

I don’t know why the +drive is 1go in 2017 when you look at the $/go of a ssd
I can pay 50 more bucks for double the space. Even 50 more bucks give you +16GB SSD izi…

I’m refering to the daw era level. People asking everywhere why doesnt it sample stereo are probably stupid. It’s not because they think they would use it right ?

back to kekistan

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You do realize that these devices are analog? as in, each voice on the machine requires discreet components to do what it is doing? It’s not running a cpu inside that can just magically spawn more tracks like your DAW, you need dcfs dcas etc

let me guess, next you want to complain that you cannot offline render audio with an analog heat… not faster than realtime anyway. “cmon even my iphone can do this”

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lol dude not sure i should even respond here.
I’m talking stereo samples and stereo sampling

too many irrelevant questions/points to go into there, sorry, it is what it is … a mono voiced synth , the OT loads mono samples to Stereo, the AR converts stereo samples to Mono …

I don’t represent Elektron, I’m a normal user occasionally moderating the discussions and offering facts to the mix


Anxious about these announcements! I JUST BOUGHT Analog Keys (3 days ago) and today I saw the Analog Four MK 2 announcement. I love the Analog Keys, BUT I have a sneaky uneasy feeling that an Analog Keys MK 2 will be announced next week or shortly thereafter.

Elektronauts - need some concrete advice - shall I return the Analog Key MK 1 and hedge my bets on there being an announcement of an Analog Keys MK 2 soon?

yeh i though you were from the team. Nvrmind the questions still stand.
I get what they did and still like it. I find it just silly and hard to justify for the price

Everything looks great, my ONLY complaint is the form factor. Larger dimensions are fine but i don’t like the ‘overhang’ - makes it seem cheap and less solid, i love the feeling of the current boxes with the feel of a solid BOX under you. Something about the new edges just puts me off and it was also totally unnecessary.


I’ve had my heart set on an AK too, nearly bought a used one. But I’m very interested to hear the new analog circuitry on the A4 MKII so going to hold off for now. Personally I don’t think a new AK is coming but you never know.

BTW - aren’t the ‘deeper bass’ circuitry they’re talking about the same thing that has been confirmed the AK has over the A4?


That grey is sooooo ugly, they look like cockpits from a russian plane of the 70s(no idea what 70s russian cockpits look like though haha) and they seem too big to be transported as the MK1s…

The form factor is a no-no for me so
I can only hope AR MK1s will go on sale as I’ve been looking to get one for a long time!
If not, I’ll get a DT when the OS is not in beta anymore

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Unless they elect to magically tie two voices together to facilitate this it makes no strategic sense to even discuss stereo samples, that’s all, it’s really very straightforward

Discuss the way you’d have preferred the device to be structured until you’re blue in the face, it won’t change a thing though … that device is based on a mono voice architecture … stereo samples are not its currency, exactly as it is on the DT too … the OT is differently structured

It would cost an awful lot more if they had to make it 8 voice stereo, even just on the filter side forwards

of course, but they’re also academic, best to move on and deal with the thing that’s actually on the table