Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

Curious if they mean anything beyond the extra buttons and such by quick performance controls.

this is wise thinking as the DT does the special MD feature of TRK/All editing. This is a killer way to get super original sounds and rhythms going. Combine the DT with the AR1 and youā€™ve got quite a combo and external midi sequencingā€¦ and also the ability to do some crazy DT into AR midi madness :aw:


I think the quick performance is just a way to map some macro etc to the knob. Its a regular pot though, not an encoder. Many people will appreciate it Iā€™m sure, since Iā€™ve heard quite a few times how some folks dislike the encoders

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Geez, kinda feeling a bit like my collection of four Elektron boxes (2xOT, 1xAR, 1xA4) has been devalued and obsoleted literally overnight. Especially for the AR (Mk1) which has had the shortest lifespan so far, I sure hope this doesnā€™t mean the end of any meaningful OS updates.

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if elektron just charged for OB right at the outset, everyone who would use it would have bought it, and no one would be complaining now. years of dev and then they give it away for free. now you gotta pay.

Perhaps they were a bit naive/optimistic wrt overbridge development effort requirements. One hardware revision and app purchase model update later, here we are. Hopefully more realistic now


Impossible to sell at the time with all the bugsā€¦

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dying! hahaha

thatā€™s probably exactly the deal. but in practical terms, that changes nothing. i wish it were free but iā€™ll buy it. or i wonā€™t. letā€™s see how that baby feels. i only use OB as it is to record at my kitchen table.

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As a digitakt owner I would like some of those new precise high res encoders that the mk2ā€™s have.

I thought digitakt already had those??


How in the world is your older gear obsolete? It all still works, right? The existence of a new product does not change the effectiveness of your old stuff. Seriously, people need to get some perspective.


Sorry if itā€™s been covered, but did anyone notice that the MKII has a stereo pair of inputs labeled audio in, and then another labeled external in? Iā€™d guess that means one is dedicated to sampling while the other just runs through the comp like the original Rytm. Interesting! I really would love to be able to route an input through the delay, reverb, distortion, AND the comp. Speculate away!

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When I eventually get a box that requires ob mk II, the premium version had better be rock solid and stable for me to buy it.

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Iā€™d really like to run the input into one of the voices :evil:

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ok obsolete is the wrong word. Inferior. Happy?

It would be awesome if you could assign a pad/track to the live input from the new stereo ins, rather than just assigning a sample that was recorded with the line ins. How does it work with Digitakt?

yeah, some of that electribe magic, would be well wicked on the elektrons

Technically the MKI should be inferior to MKII, but it will still be awesome! And cheaper, with free OB, and you got to use if for the last year or however long youā€™ve had it. Thereā€™s value in all that.


Can someone explain to me what ā€œstereo audio outputs for each voiceā€ mean on the A4MK2. I get that there are individual outs, but shouldnā€™t they be mono? unless fx are per voice instead of Master, or am I misunderstanding something?

in overbridge on the mk1, voices are individually mono.