Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII


In a way, I get the feeling from the analog mk II’s that they would be great “desert island” pieces, but if you want to “collect em all”, the added cost and table real estate is not as attractive as with mk I’s

If I had started with elektrons now, I’d probably only buy the rytm mk II and leave it at that.

If I buy RYTM MKII I will not buy DT now.
So it’s 200 for OB Premium

I will also stick to only A4 MKII and AR MKII with my computer and buy nothing else then.
Except if Elektron release something to going in the middle…

I don’t think this action is a fault from Elektron, of course. My previous post is not a complaint. However it may (seems to) be a real emotional thing among existing customers. And emotions matter :slight_smile:

@William_WiLD The MK-II price is cca. the same price of what MK-I had some months ago, am I wrong? Otherwise the second hand market is always an option. But choosing a used MK-I against a new MK-II is always a difficult choice, this is how the consumer market works :smiley:

The visual size differences.


And I think this is where Elektron need a rethink in all honesty. I can support OB being a paid upgrade that will allow Elektron to develop it further over it’s lifecycle but it’s pulling the piss a bit expecting us to purchase multiple OB licences to unlock the full experience.

I jokingly mentioned OB v2 a few posts back but seriously, what if that did become reality down the line and future “full” updates to OB became paid upgrade?! Elektron have changed their tune once already on OB, why not again in a Native Instruments Maschine style!

We’re a pretty loyal fan base. We get the utter piss ripped out of us on other forums (don’t mess with the Elektron fanbois!). So, I don’t think it is too much to ask to have something like this clarified, explained and reasoned. Something to hold to account. And I don’t just mean a few comments made on the forum.

Anyway, to some it’s a small issue. I just get wound up easily.


I don’t use some of the analogue engines on the RYTM. Maybe I should resent having paid for those who do.

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Yes you wrong there’s a 100 € price drop (MKI is 1 599,00 €) at least because some shop drop the rhythm at 1399 € - But second hand is between 1000 and 1100€ (again today…)

Side by side like that, I think I prefer the MkI’s! Not much between the AR’s but I find that A4 UI a turn off for some reason.

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Yep trinity of those new ones and we’ll all need roadies, minivans, and forklifts :ecstatic:


Ok, I was wrong. I just recalled similar price for MK-I around half year ago or so. I’m not surprised because of the increased price tag on MK-II however :slight_smile:

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hmm, I wonder if the new boxes could be transported like this

that might work for me

Third party developers, here’s your cue. Make a spacer.

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Not sure the angle is that opened … I think it’s a tiny angle and not that much

yeah I know, my drawing skills suck, it was just a quikie 1min noodel on the pad aveamercy :wink:

te crux of the matter for me is, this stuff needs to fit in a somewhat “normal” looking backpack. I don’t enjoy the thought of commuting in shady areas with a weird-ass megarucksack, especially with ~4K€ worth of stuff inside it. Maybe you never commute thru shady areas

@Jon Can the A4 mkII receive clock through the cv in?

The A4 was the first analog box. Every new analog box (AK, Rytm and heat) released since then has improved on the analog tech side…mainly filters. Expecting the MKII to be decent improvement over the A4 MKI personally.

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For the MKII Rytm however, they haven’t mentioned anything about the sound in the specification under ‘what’s new’. Not surprising considering the Rytm isn’t that old.

Judging by the trend of things, I think there’ll be OEM accessories for these at a premium price…

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I want 8 voice poly… How hard can it be god damn it!?

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Thank you