Introducing Analog Four & Analog Rytm MKII

Oh, you eat stuff until you win/puke…

the SP-16 is perfectly capable as a drum machine --i sold AR MK1 to buy SP-16 --i like analog filter on SP-16 much more

Both AR MK2 and SP-16 good food:)

Thank you for the informative reply! I think it would be really helpful if Elektron could make an official statement on this, or if your post could be pinned in the Overbridge section, because there is clearly a fair bit confusion about OB’s future among Elektron owners.

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You are very quick to pass judgement on a lot of people. Don’t agree with your tone. These are valid questions about what the exact value proposition is for a piece of software that’s free for some Elektron owners and being charged for for others (ominously, this business strategy seems to have coincided with a private investor taking stakes in Elektron).

Let’s hear from some DT users who have shelled out for unlocking all OB features on their machine - would be keen to hear what their experiences are. Wait, it’s not even out yet, so all this is a lot of speculation! And despite Avantronica giving a lengthy reply about how there will always only be one version of OB, I am actually not convinced as there currently is an OB version that clearly does not work with DT. And based on my little bit of experience in software engineering, I have a suspicion that there won’t be a unified version going forward.


I agree. The Mkii’s and DT could very well support ‘Overbridge 2’.

don’t confuse lengthy with authoritative :wink: , I just think it’s a more rational untangling of the few aspects we know … but there have been plenty of surprises lately, so anything is of course possible

I think the terminology does not help … we do know the software is not the bought aspect though


I love my AK MK1 and am anxious to see what Elektron will do to update it. Hopefully they will provide more protection for the keys with their case design (I’m also a proud owner of Underbridge). When OB launched it encouraged me to jump on the Elektron bandwagon. Prior to that I was just a VST guy. I’ve been using the AK as an audio interface since OB came out and to be honest I’d pay for OB if I couldn’t use it tomorrow.

Based on Elektron’s history I’d say that their pricing reflects the kind of build quality and ongoing support that they are known for. I can understand the disappointment many users have with this decision to charge for OB now that it is fairly mature. There are many users who prefer using standalone and I wouldn’t want to see Elektron reduce the number of firmware updates in order to provide the kind of constant support needed to keep OB stable.

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Does A4 now have punch?

In hindsight, makes you wonder whether it may have been better to include Overbridge premium in the RRP.
Put the price up if need be, no one would have known the difference, and it would have avoided all this confusion and speculation.
One OB system for all people, all systems, mk I and mk II. Done. Problem solved you would think?
Would be much easier for Elektron to manage this way you would think.
Would be interesting to run a Poll to determine the percentage of customers that will be purchasing OB premium when it is released.

After incessant whining, and a night to sleep on it, I listed my Mk1 Rytm and it sold quickly. Just dropped it off at FedEx. Keeping my AK for now - may replace it if there is a Mk2. If not, may supplement it with an A4 mk2.

As much as I loved my Rytm Mk1, the AK would be harder to give up, and wanted to sell the Rytm while the market is there for Mk1, before it drops off. The AK will serve as a drum machine for now, in addition to its already central role in my workflow.

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Heart of hearts

I try to do my best in English because I’m French. When I’m not understood, the good way it’s probably comes from there and I’m the first to jump on it to clarify, and sometimes apologized.

Sometimes talking about humans, or things I consider “as general”, things I observe around me here in France or with the web experience and-or discussions results I have with different contacts I have in different countries… People are not necessarily target here and I will not blame me if they took this for them… as it’s really not my intention. When I feel like the person feel personally attacked I clarify my points if the words on their way was not intended to be taken like this. (and sometimes an argument against something is not necessarily an attacked, it’s just an argument to demonstrate my point.)

also as a human being I do mistakes as everyone, thanks to remind me that and gives your feel.
i apologize if someone take to harsh on Overbridge Premium Subject, but I linked some subject to it… maybe not related to the initial discussion for that my BAD.

But, I do have an opinion, and I don’t see the point to not claim it… otherwise there’s nothing interesting here to me as I give more than I take (probably as a lot of you too of course). People have perfectly right to not be agree with me [ No doubt ]
Then, if it’s the case, and as I do when I’m not agree, I read and I pass… we can’t be agree with everyone.

For the tone maybe you right and I will put efforts to explain me a better way and limit The possibilities of being misunderstood And avoid a “tone” that holds me too much on certain subjects.

my Bad for those touched by my words if it’s the case.


There is no AK MK2 and Im 99% never will be (just too expensive to make)–AK MK1 will be a collectors item out of the black ones i predict.
AK is good food too:)

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I know there’s no AK MK2, was just saying if there was, I might be persuaded to get it. My AK is my main synth, and controller in general, and it’s not going anywhere. In a way I hope there is no MK2 - I’d wager you are right in that there won’t be an upgraded version - but CV in would be fantastic, and stereo on the individual outs would be nice, though mono probably works better most of the time for my purposes.

I half regret selling my AR so soon after the announcement, but I think it will be worth it. I have a couple other drum machines I’ve acquired since getting the AR, and they haven’t seen much use, so this will be a good opportunity to let them shine.

AK’s individual voice outputs are each stereo, already.

AK basically has 10 outputs.


I stand corrected - shows you how often I use them! I’ve been using OB for the separate tracks.


Your English is much better than my French, so think you are doing a great job mate. I like reading your comments.
I’m generally an arsehole and just wish I could blame it on a language barrier :ecstatic:


I’m a long time poster here… and a reader not a (active) member on the old one ( I can’t believe as far years passed. sometimes I can feel at home here so it’s good to question itself a little when someone point on something (which could be perfectly justified or legit). Rather to take the risk of appearing in the eyes of others pedantic or pretentious. Because we don’t know each other here, we just have a ridiculous picture of a member as we dont know his whole story and how he came to.

I guess Humility and Arguments, Fact are the only way.

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fwiw you’ve never struck me as the least bit pretentious. All good here I think